Thursday, February 14, 2013
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The Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) Website is provided as a public service by the JWC Public Affairs Office (PAO).

NATO and JWC disclaim any overall liability from any inappropriate, improper or fradulent use of information provided on this site.

  1. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, its Administration, its international civilian staff, any individual or legal entity, any public, semi-public or private administrative entity that has contributed in any way to the preparation, composition or promulgation of NATO/JWC data and of any related information or documentation, hereby disclaim any overall liability arising from any inappropriate, improper or fraudulent use of the data provided to subscribers.

    Furthermore, neither the Organization, nor members of its Staff shall be held liable for any financial or other consequences whatsoever arising from such inappropriate, improper or fraudulent use.

  2. Moreover, the Organization reserves the right to initiate any legal action it shall deem necessary.

    The Organization undertakes solely to provide to users of NATO data that information which the Organization deems, on the basis of its own criteria and in its Sovereign discretion, to be appropriate for disclosure.

  3. The consultation or use of NATO data shall automatically imply full acceptance of the above disclaimer of liability. This site was designed by JWC Public Affairs Office in cooperation with NATO Headquarters.

Information presented on the JWC website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline, photo and image credits is requested.

For site management, information may be collected for statistical purposes. This government computer system may employ software programs to create summary statistics for such purposes as assessing what information is of most and least interest to the public, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. User-supplied information provided for the purpose of requesting information is destroyed by JWC following the transaction of information to the requester.

For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorised attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.

Except for authorised law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular destruction in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration General Schedule 20.

Unauthorised attempts to upload information or change information on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.

If you have any questions or comments about the information presented here, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

For additional information about JWC and policies relating to this publicly accessible website, you may also write to:

Joint Warfare Centre
PO Box 8080, Eikesetveien
4068 Stavanger, Norway

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