CES Data Access Tips

This page provides quick, easy instructions on how to extract Employment, Hours, and Earnings data from the Current Employment Statistics survey.

Connect to the CES homepage at www.bls.gov/ces/. This home page provides access to estimates of national industry employment, hours, and earnings. It also provides access to related resources such as press releases (including the Employment Situation), the strike report, shipbuilding indexes, analytical tables and research articles. The following options are available under the Get Detailed CES Statistics section of the CES homepage.

1.    Most Requested Statistics - allows you to retrieve data from a list of the most popular CES statistics.  After opening the screen, click on the checkbox next to each data series you want to retrieve. A check will appear for each selection.  When finished, press the Retrieve data button and the default of 10 years of data will appear on a new browser.  At that time, the screen provides you the capability to change output options.

2.    Create Customized Tables (one screen) is an extract tool for the entire LABSTAT database.  This offers a more efficient method of data retrieval than the Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) method described below.  To retrieve data:

  • Step 1    Select one or more Data Type: A data type is one of the data variables that are published.   Each data type indicates its unit of measurement.  To select a data type, click on the data type name from the list.   If you do not wish to scroll through the entire list of data types, use the data type find box (described below).  To select more than one data type, press Ctrl before clicking on each additional data type.  

  • Data Type Find Box: Type all or part of the Data Type in the text box, and click on the Find button. The cursor will move to the first "match" in the Data Type list; repeated clicks of the Find button will move the cursor to the next match in the list.

  • Step 2    Select one or more Super Sectors.  Depending upon the data type(s) selected in Step 1, a list of the available super sectors appears in a list box.  Click on the super sector name you want to retrieve.  To select more than one super sector, press the Ctrl key before clicking on each additional super sector.

  • Step 3    Select an Industry: Depending upon your selections in Steps 1 and 2, a list of all available industries appears in the list box.  Click on the industry name you want to retrieve.  If you do not wish to scroll through the entire list of industries, use the Industry find box (described below).  To select more than one industry, press the Ctrl key before clicking on each additional industry. 

  • Industry Find Box: Type all or part of the Industry of interest in the text box, and click on the Find button. The cursor will move to the first "match" in the Industry list; repeated clicks of the Find button will move the cursor to the next match in the list.

  • Step 4    Select Seasonal Adjustment   Select not seasonally adjusted and/or seasonally adjusted data series by clicking the check box next to the desired seasonal adjustment option(s).  Note: If the data are not available, the text next to the check box is dimmed and it can be disregarded.  Time series data are seasonally adjusted to eliminate the effect of predictable variations that occur during the same period every year.   

  • Step 5    Get Data: After completing steps 1-4, the Get Data button becomes active. Click to retrieve the data. 


Add To Your Selection: After completing steps 1-4, the Add To Your Selection button also becomes active. Click this button to add the currently selected data series as part of your query.  Clicking on the button adds your selection to the list in the "Your Selections" box; multiple selections can be added in this manner. Click the Get Data button to retrieve all the selected data series with one command. 

  • Step 6    After clicking the Get Data button, a new window will open displaying, by default, a ten-year table of data for each time series selected in your query.  If this is not the desired format, then use the following options to change output formats.

   Note: Change output options:  On the page containing the original output there are three options to change output formats:

  1. Change length of time series data - To change the length of the series, select the years from either (or both) the "From" and "To" list boxes.  The list contains all years available for the particular series.  

  2. Add a graph - click on the checkbox next to "include graphs NEW!" to add a line graph for each of your time series.

When completed with the options above, press the GO button to receive the newly formatted time series output.  You can repeat changing the output as many times as needed.

  1. More Formatting options - click on More Formatting Options to open a new screen and change the output in the following manners:

  • Select view of the data: This sections allows you view the original data, a variety of different net changes of the series, and a variety of different net percentage changes of the series.  Click the checkbox next to the option you prefer to view.  The section also allows you to view your time series data in either Column or Table format.

  • Select the time frame: This section allow you to select the timeframe for your time series data.  The section is divided into two parts, the first being the number of years where you can select All years or a specified range of years. The lower part allows you to choose the time period, either "All time periods" or a specified time period from a drop-down list.

  • Output type:  This section allows you to select an HTML table or Text.  If you want the text output, you have the option of comma delimited or tab delimited text. 

  • Graphs - click on the checkbox next to "include graphs" to add a line graph for each of your time series.   

When completed with the options above, press the Retrieve data button to receive the newly formatted time series output.  You can repeat changing the output as many times as needed.

3.    Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) is an extract tool for the entire LABSTAT database. Proceed through the five window screens of user input.  Follow the menu and click on Next Form after each selection:

Screen 1.   Choose unadjusted or seasonally adjusted data. Click on the appropriate box(es), e.g., not seasonally adjusted.

Screen 2.   Choose SuperSector:  Click on the super sector(s) of interest.  To select more than one super sector, press the Ctrl key before clicking on each additional super sector.

Screen 3.   Choose the Data type, e.g., 08 Average Hourly Earnings.  See list of data types.  Hint: to select more than one item, hold down the Ctrl key before clicking on each additional data type.

Screen 4.   Choose Industry: Depending upon your selections in the previous steps, a list of all available industries appears in the list box.

  • Scroll down the list until you see the name of the industry of interest. The ordering is based on a eight-digit CES tab code whose last six digits indicate the NAICS code of the series.  For example, 31334000 is the code for NAICS 334000, computer and electronic product manufacturing.  To select more than one industry, press the Ctrl key before clicking on each additional industry.

    Note:  When selecting an industry in the Manufacturing sector, the first two digits of the CES tab code state whether the industry is part of Durables goods (31) or Nondurable goods (32).  Since the ordering is based on the  eight-digit CES tab code, all industries in Durable goods are listed first, then the Nondurable industries.

  • Alternatively, use the text search feature and type keywords, such as 'Electronic manufacturing'.  Or use the Code search feature and type a code such as '31334*'. 

Screen 5.   Choose output format .

  • Choose a Time frame from the provided list, e.g., 2003-2004.

  • Choose a Format from the provided list.  The default is Table (Rows: Year, Columns: Period).

  • Choose HTML table (default) or text list.   If you want text, you are given the option to choose whether you want your data in catalog (default is yes) and the type of text delimiter (tab, space (default), or comma). 

  • Enter the number of characters per line (default =400). 

Note: You may wish to save the series ID(s) generated from this query for later use in Series Report.  To save the resulting series ID(s), cut and paste to a text file.

Press Retrieve data and your selected data appears on a new screen.

4.    Series Report  is an extract tool that allows you to retrieve data by providing a Series ID.  After the screen opens, enter the Series ID in the text box.  Choose CES Series ID format, to view details on Series ID format.  Afterwards, select each of the following: the years for your time series from the list,  Column or Table (default) format, HTML  Table (default) or Text format, and number of characters per line (default =400).  When completed, press Retrieve Data and your selected data appears on the next screen.  

5.    Flat Files (FTP) - is an extract tool allowing you to open and view or transfer a file of time series data using File Transfer Protocol. Selecting this option opens your FTP software and displays the names of the files available for transfer.  The display differs depending upon your FTP software.   Use your software to select, then transfer the files.  Information about these files are contained in a file named ce.txt .

6.    Historical 'B' tables provides historical times series data from the 'B' tables of the Employment Situation news release. Select the item of interest. (If data of interest does not appear on this page, use Create Customized Tables (one screen))  On the next window, select industries (scroll down as necessary). Click on Retrieve data at the bottom of the page and a new window will open displaying a ten-year table of data, the default results, for each time series selected in your query.  If this is not the desired format, then use options on the screen to change output formats

7.    Discontinued Historical CES Data by SIC, through April 2003 only provides access to the SIC-based times series data that was halted after April 2003.  Selecting this link allows you to retrieve SIC data using the Most Requested Series,  Create Customized Tables (one screen), Create Customized Tables (multiple screens), Series Report and Flat File (FTP) methods;  These are the same methods as mentioned above, though the results will be for SIC industries. 

For other employment data, (state & area, occupational employment, and labor force statistics & wages) see the Overview of BLS Statistics on Employment and the Bureau of Labor Statistics home page.

Other BLS data and phone numbers are available on the BLS Contacts page.

For further help regarding these instructions, call CES at 202-691-6555.

Last Modified Date: October 19, 2012