Tables Created by BLS

Peak-Trough Tables—Identifies key turning points in seasonally adjusted CES time series

Analytical Tables—Presents several different views of National CES estimates

Benchmark Information—Benchmark Article, benchmark comparison tables, and historical benchmark and birth/death model information

CES Birth/Death Tables and Model Information—Monthly birth/death forecasts and model documentation

Tables from Employment and Earnings—Monthly Establishment Data

Shipyard Earnings Index—Produced by CES under contract with the Department of Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)

Census Workers—Quantifies impact of the Census on CES Federal government employment estimates

Analytical Tables

Benchmark Information

  • Benchmark Tables
  • Archived Benchmark Articles
  • Historical Net Birth/Death Adjustments
  • Tables from Employment and Earnings

    Monthly Establishment Data--National

    Archived Tables from Employment and Earnings --Archived tables are available in PDF format.