Thursday, February 14, 2013
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Brig. Gen. Jerry Bradford Bio

Brig. Gen. Jerry BradfordBrigadier General Jerry J. Bradford

Commander, Georgia State Defense Force

As the commander of the Georgia State Defense Force (GSDF), Brig. Gen. Jerry J. Bradford oversees the 760 volunteers of the GSDF as they assist the Georgia National Guard by providing search and rescue, medical support, and disaster relief assistance throughout the state.

Retiring from the Army as a colonel, Bradford joined the Georgia State Defense Force in 2002. He initially served as advisor and special projects officer for the SDF Commanding General, then as an SDF Brigade Commander.  Following his command tenure, Bradford was selected to serve as the SDF G3 officer for plans, operations, and training before being promoted to brigadier general and assuming command of the GSDF in 2009.

During his 30 years of combined active and reserve component service – including two tours in Vietnam, a tour in central America, an extended tour in Europe, a short tour at the pentagon, and multiple state-side tours – Bradford served in positions of increasing responsibility. He successfully commanded at the platoon, detachment, company, battalion (three commands) and brigade (two commands) levels. He also served in multiple staff positions at the battalion and brigade level and on G-Staff at the division level and at the Pentagon. 

Bradford was a regular Army enlistee in the infantry in 1965. As an E-5, he attended Officer Candidate School (OCS) and received his commission in 1967 through the OCS at Fort Sill, Okla. Bradford retired from the United States Army in 1997. Bradford is multi-branch qualified; has his masters in business administration, and is a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College.  

His decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart Medal, four Meritorious Service Medals, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, and numerous other awards to include the Special Forces Tab, Expert Infantry Badge, Senior Parachutist Wings, Master Field Artillery Missile Badge, and the Army Staff Identification Badge. 

Bradford resides in Suwannee, Ga., with his wife, Roye Sue Bradford, and is employed as director of sales and marketing for a national communications and electronics firm. 


Click HERE to see images of Brig. Gen Jerry Bradford


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