Thursday, February 14, 2013
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Ga. DoD Community Relations

Thank you for your interest in the Georgia Department of Defense Community Relations Office. We are here as a point of contact for information and requests. The Georgia National Guard is proud to support our communities with Citizen-Soldiers. Many Guardsmen have grown up here in Georgia and serve to protect our communities from all threats, both foreign and domestic.

The Georgia National Guard supports many community outreach events and programs throughout the year in accordance with AR 360-1. The primary way we support the community is through aviation static displays, non-aviation static displays, band support, Color Guard support, and speaker support. The following is a list of general guidelines that an event must meet to qualify for support:

- The event should be of general interest or benefit to the community as a whole.

- The sponsor is a broadly based civic organization or an organization whose primary purpose is to stimulate patriotism, promote public understanding of the necessity of national security, or foster public appreciation of our national heritage and not promote the organization’s private objectives.

- No admission fee (beyond what will cover the reasonable costs of sponsoring the event) is charged for the event or charged for the portion of the event supported by the National Guard.

- National Guard participation in outreach programs must not interfere with military operations and training programs. 

To request support, click on the relevant links below to download, view and fill out the relevant forms necessary to ascertain the support you are seeking:

All Community Relations Support requests should be turned in no later than 60 days prior to the requested event. Expect to receive confirmation of support or a letter of regret between 20-60 days prior to the event. 

Thank you for visiting the Georgia National Guard website!

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Elizabeth Warwick at (678) 569-6060 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


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