External Affairs
Alaska Region


Alaska Native Affairs

Native Liaison front page colage

Tribal Wildlife Grants

Policies and Government-to-Government Relations

Alaska Native Relations

  • Working Effectively with Alaska Native Tribes and Organizations Desk Guide for USFWS pdf icon
  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge
  • Alaska Native Relations Training for USFWS pdf icon
  • Alaska Natives and Conservation Planning pdf icon
    A Recipe for Participation. USFWS Alaska's Jeffrey Brooks, Social Scientist and Melanie Jacobs, Student Intern describe the shortcomings of a bureaucratic process in making connections with Alaska Native People during the conservation planning process; and how to correct and improve those important relationships. This paper is still in draft and the author is very interested in your feedback. You may contact Crystal Leonetti at 907-786-3868 or Jeffrey Brooks directly at 907-786-3839 to provide your feedback on this discussion paper.
  • Presentation of "Alaska Natives and Conservaiton Planning" pdf icon
    Alaska Natives and Conservation Planning: A Recipe for Participation. This power point presentation was given by Brooks and Jacobs at the October, 2010 Wildlife Society Conference in Snowbird, Utah.
  • "Working with Tribes in the Midwest Region to Fulfill our Federal Trust Responsibilities" - This 42 minute video discusses the trust responsibility that exists between the Federal Government, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Native Americans. Click here to view the video. If you have feedback on this video or are interested in seeing one produced for Alaska, please email Crystal at
  • Visiting and Listening: Meaningful Participation for Alaska Native Peoples in Conservation Projects pdf icon

Links to other USFWS Programs

Contact Information

Crystal Leonetti
1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503
907-786-3868 phone
907-786-3495 fax
Larry Bell
1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503
907-786-3309 phone
907-786-3495 fax

Last updated: August 16, 2012

External Affairs
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