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2005 JCSDA Seminars


Development of Improved Forward Models for Assimilation of Snow Properties into Land Surface Models

Presentation (PDF, 1.2 MB)

Speaker Eric Wood
Princeton University
Date December 21, 2005


Atmospheric Radiative Transfer for Hyperspectral Sensors

Presentationthis document link opens in a new window (PDF, 4.8 MB)

Speaker L. Larrabee Strow
Physics Department and Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Date November 30, 2005


Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) & IEOS

Presentationthis document link opens in a new window (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Speaker Helen Wood
Senior Advisor for Systems and Services, NOAA, and Secretariat Director, Intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
Date October 19, 2005


The Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation: A Progress Report

Presentationthis document link opens in a new window (PDF, 8.9 MB)

Speaker John LeMarshall
Date September 21, 2005


Calculation and Applications of Land Surface Microwave Emissivities

Presentationthis document link opens in a new window (PDF, 6.4 MB)

Speaker Catherine Prigent
LERMA, Paris Observatory
Date September 21, 2005


SSMIS Calibration Anomaly and SSMIS Calibration/Validation

Presentation - Steve Swadleythis document link opens in a new window (PDF, 8.5 MB)

Presentation - Donald Boucherthis document link opens in a new window (PPT, 3.8MB)

Speakers Gene Poe, et al
Naval Research Lab
Date July 27, 2005

Modified April 26, 2011 6:04 PM
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