2nd Marine Aircraft Wing


2nd Marine Aircraft Wing

 Sexual Assualt Prevention and Response
The 2d MAW Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program provides 24/7 support and advocacy to all active duty Marines and sailors who are victims of sexual assault.

2ND MAW Victim Advocate 24/7 Response Lines:

CHERRY POINT: 252.665.4713  •  NEW RIVER: 910.238.6384  •  BEAUFORT: 843.592.0646

For information about the SAPR Program:

 Dr. Jeannie Adair
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Response Manager
Marine Corps Air Station
Cherry Point, NC 
Hours: 08001630

(252) 466-5490
 Shannon Norenberg
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Response Manager
Marine Corps Air Station
New River, NC 
Hours: 0800-1630

(910) 449-524
 Sharria G. Johnson, BSW
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Response Manager
Marine Corps Air Station
Beaufort, SC
Hours: 0800-1630

(843) 228-6904

Sexual Assault is a criminal act and will not be tolerated. The Marine Corps' goal is to eliminate sexual assault within the Corps and to assist those Marines and sailors assigned to Marine Corps units affected by sexual assault. (MCO 1752.5A)

• The purpose of the SAPR Program is to eliminate incidents of sexual assault through a comprehensive program that centers on awareness & prevention, training & education, reporting, response, victim advocacy, and accountability. This program exists while in garrison as well as in the deployed environment.

• The Marine Corps has a very clear policy on sexual assault.Sexual assault is a criminal act and every report will be taken seriously.All victims will be treated with dignity, fairness, and respect and will have access to appropriate assistanceCommanding officers will take appropriate disciplinary and/or administrative action to hold offenders accountable for the their actions.

• Sexual assault is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent; sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship, or age.

• Consent shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Consent is not given when a perpetrator uses force, threat of force, coercion, or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, or unconscious.

• Types of Sexual Assault include:
   • Physical force
   • Constructive force (abuse of authority or use of blackmail to force a person to submit to unwanted sexual intercourse)
   • Date/acquaintance (non-stranger)
*Marital (handled by Family Advocacy Program) – Provide 24/7 contact information for local FAP victim advocates
*Nonconsensual sodomy
*Indecent assault
*Attempts to commit these acts
*Sexual activity w/ a minor (handled by Family Advocacy Program) Provide 24/7 contact information for local FAP victim advocates

Reporting Options
Restricted Reporting Option
Restricted reporting allows a Marine who is a sexual assault victim to confidentially disclose details of his/her assault to four specifically identified personnel without triggering an investigative process.
To make a restricted report, the victim MUST notify one of the following personnel: Uniform Victim Advocate (UVA), Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Civilian Victim Advocate (VA), or Healthcare Provider.
Once a restricted report is filed, a victim can choose at any time to change that report to an unrestricted report.

Unrestricted Reporting Option
A Marine who is sexually assaulted and desires official investigation of his/her allegation should make an unrestricted report. The victim may use normal reporting channels (e.g., chain of command, law enforcement, etc).
Details regarding the assault will be limited to only those personnel who have a need to know, including the commander, NCIS, MPs, SARC, VA, chaplain, and healthcare provider.
Once an unrestricted report is filed, the victim cannot change their report to a restricted report.