

A violation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act or the Endangered Species Act may result in fines or civil penalties of up to $10,000 or criminal penalties of up to $20,000 plus IMPRISONMENT and/or SEIZURE OF VESSEL and other personal property.

Contact Numbers

Whalewatching Information For more information on the whalewatching guidelines or laws pertaining to marine mammals, call:

National Marine Fisheries Service, Protected Resources Division:
978-281-9300 x 6505

Dead, ship struck or injured whales:

Gerry E. Studds/Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary:


Right Whale Sighting

All sightings of a right whale should be called in to the alert network. NMFS Sighting Advisory System

508-495-2264 or 866.755.NOAA

Entangled Whale

Any sighting of an entangled whale should be reported. Vessels should stand-by and keep the whale in sight until help arrives, or arrange for another vessel to maintain contact with the whale. Disentanglement HOTLINE

800-900-3622 or call on VHF CH-16 to the USCG

Dead Whale

Any sighting of a dead whale should be reported. Marine Mammal Stranding Network

508-495-2090 or 978-585-7149 (Beeper)

Potential Violations

Any reports of an activity that appears to be an intentional or negligent action leading to a collision or harassment incident, call: NOAA Enforcement HOTLINE




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