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Environmental Sites

Environmental Sites on Travis AFB
The environmental cleanup at Travis AFB includes activities at many individual sites on the Base. Each site has been given a name within the Air Force's Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) that is used for tracking progress. Information on individual sites is available by clicking below. 

Site List
SD001 - Union Creek Storm Sewer System
FT002 - Fire Training Area #1
FT003 - Fire Training Area #2
FT004 - Fire Training Area #3
FT005 - Fire Training Area #4
LF006 - Landfill #1
LF007 - Landfill #2
LF008 - Landfill #3
OT010 - Sludge Disposal Area
RW013 - Low-Level Radioactive Burial Site #2
SS014 - Former Jet Fuel Spill Area
SS015 - Former Solvent Spill Area
SS016 - Former Oil Spill Area
WP017 - Inactive Oxidation Ponds
ST018 - North/South Gas Stations
OT019 - Grazing Management Units 7&8
ST027 - TF-33 Test Stand Area
ST028 - Buildings 363 & 1201
SS029 - Monitoring Well 329
SS030 - Monitoring Well 269
SD031 - Building 1205
ST032 - Monitoring Well 246
SD033 - Storm Sewer System B
SD034 - Building 811
SS035 - Buildings 818 & 819
SD036 - Building 872
SD037 - Sanitary Sewer
DP039 - Building 755
SS041 - Building 905
SD042 - Buildings 929, 931 & 940
SD043 - Building 916
LF044 - Landfill X
SD045 - Former Small Arms Range
SS046 - Railhead Munitions Staging Area

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If you would like to provide feedback on this website, its contents, or on any matter concerning the Travis AFB Environmental Cleanup Program, please email the base Environmental Coordinator at

If you would like to receive copies of the quarterly restoration program newsletter, The Guardian, please include your name and address in your message.

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