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# Type Question Answer Answer Date
1GeneralIn reference to OR PFH 59(3). Agness Road-Bradford Wall. I found the dates that the work had to be completed in I just was not sure if there was an actual amount of scheduled days. I believe the dates give you 175 days. Is that correct?The NTP and fixed completion dates are contained in FAR clause 52.211-10, page C-13.

The actual amount of scheduled days would be dependent on the construction schedule that is developed to meet the dates in 52.211-10.
Feb 11, 2013
2Technicalcan we plan on the existing structures not having lead paint, or do you know it is lead paint?

If lead paint, would remediation or disposal be considered an extra?
We do not know if there is lead paint; however, the bridge is fairly old.

There is no bid item for Section 563 Painting

Feb 11, 2013
3TechnicalAre the elevations correct on the Plan & Profile sheets?The elevations shown in the plans are are assumed elevations as per plan sheet D.3.

2/12/13 TB
Feb 12, 2013
4TechnicalOn Plan Sheet F.7, can we oversize the hole to a 10 in. hole to install the 8 in. dia. Steel pipe? The plan sheet F.7 shows a 8 in. diameter drill hole, min., an oversized hole may be acceptable if the contractor, through the submittal process, clearly indicates that a void will not be left around the permanent casing, i.e., somehow it will be filled with grout. A void around the permanent casing would affect the micropile capacity and would not be acceptable.

TB 2/12/2013
Feb 12, 2013
5TechnicalDoes table 157-1 in the special provisions replace the table in the general specifications or is it intended to add the tackifier to the standard table? If it replaces the standard table, what are the application rates for seed and fertilizer?

Also, the specifications state ???Protect and care for seeded areas including watering, until permanent turf establishment is in place.??? How will this duration be determined, there is no permanent turf establishment on the project?
There is no seed and fertilizer. See Amendment A003.

The Forest Service will be doing the permanent re-vegetation after the project is complete.

Feb 14, 2013
6TechnicalDo you have an estimate or as-build drawing from the old soldier pile wall with the elevation of the bottom of the existing lagging? I am trying to figure how much additional lagging will be required per note 3, stage 1 on sheet F.2Refer to USFS 1986 Geotech Report in the physical data.
The figure on page A8 is notes from the original soldier pile wall installation and it shows the approximate location of the bottom of the lagging and ground line in front of the wall (at that time).
We are unable to verify whether the location shown is accurate.

Feb 14, 2013

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