Category Archives: Questionnaire Assistance Center

Update on the Last Field Operations

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As I noted in an earlier post, we are now running two field operations as part of the quality improvement phase of the 2010 Census – the vacant/delete check (double checking the status of units of a variety of types, … Continue reading

Posted in Quality Assurance, Questionnaire Assistance Center | 5 Comments

Telephone Assistance Line is Closing July 30

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Our commitment to a complete count required us to develop different ways to reach everyone. The vast majority of households received a census form in the mail in March, but others had a census form dropped off at their door … Continue reading

Posted in Questionnaire Assistance Center | 8 Comments

Checking Out a Future Questionnaire Assistance Center

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Yesterday in Dallas, I visited the Brady Center. The Center is operated by Catholic Charities and serves older residents in the area. When I arrived, the basement of the Center was filled with about 100 folks who had just finished … Continue reading

Posted in Questionnaire Assistance Center | 19 Comments