Category Archives: Non-response Follow Up

Estimating the Size of a Small Population

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Let me tell you a wonderful story, a statistical detective story of sorts. During the summer, you may have seen statistics released from the 2010 Census Summary File 1 on same-sex couple unmarried partner households. We noticed that reported counts … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Census, Measuring America, Non-response Follow Up | 10 Comments

Personal Lessons From The 2010 Census

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I’m finding myself looking back over the experience of the 2010 Census and drawing some lessons learned. If we’re smart as an organization, we’ll build the 2020 Census planning effort with these in mind. Here they are: Lesson 1: The … Continue reading

Posted in 2010 Census, Internet Surveys, Measuring America, Non-response Follow Up, Partnerships | 7 Comments

Senseless Assaults on Decent Public Servants

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Every day somewhere in the U.S., a Census Bureau field interviewer is working on one of our sample surveys. This work asks her to locate specific addresses that our statisticians have chosen to form a scientific sample representing all households … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 4 Comments

Costs of the Census; Some Good News

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There have been many reasonable critiques of the costs of the decennial census. At many public events I have shared my own judgment that we must reduce the costs of the next census. While the spending that occurred before 2009 … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up, Overview | 20 Comments

The Completion of Nonresponse Followup

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I am happy to announce that we have completed 99.6% of the Nonresponse Followup interviewing. Over the next few days this will move to 100%. We will continue to conduct quality assurance re-interviews on a sample of the cases, to … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 26 Comments