Category Archives: Transportation

The Funding of our State and Local Governments

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Tweet Written by: Lisa M. Blumerman and Jeffrey L. Barnett, Governments Division, US Census Bureau These days the health of our state and local governments is a topic that is much debated. Are our state and local governments solvent? Will … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Education, Governments, Transportation | Tagged , | 1 Comment

American Community Survey Takes Our Nation’s Demographic Pulse Each Year

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Tweet Written by: James Treat, US Census Bureau In every census between 1940 and 2000, millions of American households received a “long form”, which contained scores of questions on a wide range of demographic, socioeconomic and housing topics. Following the … Continue reading

Posted in About the Census Bureau, Business Ownership, Data Tools, Economy, Education, Health Care, Housing, Income, Population, Transportation | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Green Stats

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Tweet Earth Day is Friday, April 22. To help you celebrate, we offer a sampling of green data collected and published by the US Census Bureau. According to the American Community Survey (5-year estimates): 0.5% of Americans bike to and … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Events, Transportation | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments