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The purpose of the conference is to advance the availability and performance of computational chemistry on the nation's leadership computing facilities. Specifically, we invite contributors interested in either development or use of computational chemistry applications on world class supercomputers. There will be a mix of invited and contributed talks covering nearly all aspects of computational chemistry including theory, algorithm, software, application to chemical problems, and interaction with experiment with a common theme of enabling new science through large scale computation. The final day of the workshop will include discussion and planning of coordinated activities, collaborations, and future funding opportunities.

Please submit abstracts for contributed talks to: Bryan C. Hathorn, (hathornb@ornl.gov, 865-241-8808) by July 11, 2005.

Safety and Security at ORNL: As a visitor to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, your safety and security are our utmost concern. Visitors to the ORNL campus are required to check in through the Visitor Center with photo id. A driver’s license, DOE photo badge, passport, and some other forms of photo id are acceptable. An ORNL visitor pass serves three purposes: (1) a record exists of who comes in for audit/accounting purposes, (2) a prox card is issued for access to specific building(s) without escort*, and (3) access to the ORNL visitor wireless can be granted based on the unique visitor badge number. Holders of DOE photo badges (regardless of clearance level or contractor) are permitted on Bethel Valley Road; however, a DOE photo badge from another site does not allow access to any ORNL buildings nor to the ORNL visitor wireless network. Therefore, we request your assistance in addition to registering for the meeting, that you also complete the visitor pass request.

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URL http://www.ccs.ornl.gov/workshops/Chem05/index.html
Updated: Monday, 25-Jul-2005 12:53:36 EDT