Local Outreach at the Ballpark

- By Jeanne Keffer, Outgoing Inventory Director, Sew Much Comfort -

Our non-profit organization, Sew Much Comfort, was thrilled when COL Rice invited us to attend the AW2 Symposium this year, which was the first AW2 Symposium to include an exhibit hall. We were proud to be there and in the company of other non-profits, veteran service organizations, and Army programs, all sharing a mission of helping the most severely wounded Soldiers and their Families. The event was a wonderful opportunity for us to personally connect with the Soldiers, their Family members, AW2 staff and Army leadership.

Our goal was to get the word out about the adaptive clothes our dedicated seamstresses make for the wounded to use during their recuperation. Currently, our organization has an ambassador that visits Walter Reed to meet with soldiers and replenish their lockers with clothing. At Brook Army Medical Center (BAMC), hospital staff and AW2 advocates make sure Sew Much Comfort clothes are available, as well. However, we wanted all Army locations, VA hospitals, and individual service members to know about us and feel comfortable contacting us about requests to provide them with our shorts, shirts, pants, boxers, and accessories.

From the first evening of the symposium when the delegates came through the exhibit area, we knew our decision to come was a good one. The week was full of memorable experiences for us. We met a soldier and his wife who shared their story with us about using our clothing while at BAMC, and how much it helped them. We received orders for clothes from other delegates who are in need. An Army General came to our booth and got our information to give to his wife, who is interested in volunteering as a seamstress. We also had the pleasure of presenting one of our quilts to a special delegate who will be working with us on perfecting some of our patterns.

The opportunity to be a part of this very important process has given us new insight into the Army Wounded Warrior Program. We were able to witness the interactions of delegates and staff, to share meals and breaks with the attendees, to watch Operation Purple do its magic with the children, and to learn about and from the other exhibitors. We feel honored to have spent the week with this incredible group of people and returned with a feeling of gratitude for being a small part in their transition. The theme of the Symposium that we heard over and over again throughout the week is “I am AW2″ and we felt that this also applied to us. Thanks for welcoming Sew Much Comfort as a part of the Symposium and a part of AW2- we will continue to make you proud.

Sew Much Comfort

- By Jeanne Keffer, Outgoing Inventory Director, Sew Much Comfort -

Our non-profit organization, Sew Much Comfort, was thrilled when COL Rice invited us to attend the AW2 Symposium this year, which was the first AW2 Symposium to include an exhibit hall. We were proud to be there and in the company of other non-profits, veteran service organizations, and Army programs, all sharing a mission of helping the most severely wounded Soldiers and their Families. The event was a wonderful opportunity for us to personally connect with the Soldiers, their Family members, AW2 staff and Army leadership.

Our goal was to get the word out about the adaptive clothes our dedicated seamstresses make for the wounded to use during their recuperation. Currently, our organization has an ambassador that visits Walter Reed to meet with soldiers and replenish their lockers with clothing. At Brook Army Medical Center (BAMC), hospital staff and AW2 advocates make sure Sew Much Comfort clothes are available, as well. However, we wanted all Army locations, VA hospitals, and individual service members to know about us and feel comfortable contacting us about requests to provide them with our shorts, shirts, pants, boxers, and accessories.

From the first evening of the symposium when the delegates came through the exhibit area, we knew our decision to come was a good one. The week was full of memorable experiences for us. We met a soldier and his wife who shared their story with us about using our clothing while at BAMC, and how much it helped them. We received orders for clothes from other delegates who are in need. An Army General came to our booth and got our information to give to his wife, who is interested in volunteering as a seamstress. We also had the pleasure of presenting one of our quilts to a special delegate who will be working with us on perfecting some of our patterns.

The opportunity to be a part of this very important process has given us new insight into the Army Wounded Warrior Program. We were able to witness the interactions of delegates and staff, to share meals and breaks with the attendees, to watch Operation Purple do its magic with the children, and to learn about and from the other exhibitors. We feel honored to have spent the week with this incredible group of people and returned with a feeling of gratitude for being a small part in their transition. The theme of the Symposium that we heard over and over again throughout the week is “I am AW2″ and we felt that this also applied to us. Thanks for welcoming Sew Much Comfort as a part of the Symposium and a part of AW2- we will continue to make you proud.

Giving a Hero the Moon

- By Emily Oehler, AW2 Strategic Communications -

For several days, I have been immersed in the logistics of the AW2 Symposium … helping with media briefing, editing newsletters, getting photographs, creating PowerPoint slides, answering questions as a subject matter expert. Nose to the grindstone. Occasionally looking up to really see, I mean really see, what was around me. Tonight, it all hit me like a ton of bricks. Throughout the week, I have interacted with the kids in Operation Purple. The first day a young six-year old girl who was clinging to my leg, reluctant to join a group of strangers clinging a bit to my leg. Two days later, chaperoning several kids to a local minor league baseball game – their first. The next day, riding in the elevator listening to a group of teenagers talk about needing a picture of their group for their Facebook page they were creating and then collecting email addresses. Tonight, well tonight was the grand finale. Thirty-eight 5-17 year olds shared with their parents some of their experiences from the week during a closing ceremony. As I listened to the camp counselors talk about the week, and their admiration for the kids and then listened to the kids share some of the personal stories, I was overwhelmed – and the tears hit. They spoke of feeling awkward when people stared at their parents (who are severely wounded), they shared how great it was to hang out with other kids who understood and they didn’t even have to say a word, and they smiled about all the fun they had had during the week. Then, each child gave their parent a dog tag with a moon… a moon because where ever you are, the moon is there – bright in the night, a constant, a touchstone. These kids shared that, for them, their parents were their moon. The next dog tag featured a bear – to represent the strength of each soldier and parent. These kids were able to share with their heroes, their parents, their pride in all they had accomplished and everything they worked hard to overcome. To see children honor their parents – to give them support, love and encouragement was amazing… and shows that they have the warrior spirit of their parents. With each presentation my emotions ran from heartache to laugher to pride to awe and back again. I saw, I mean really saw, the importance of this program, this event, this camp, this focus on families, and this work to improve the system.

To the children here – you have opened my eyes and my heart, and I wish for you the moon.

Small Things Making a Difference

- By Jeffrey M. Cox, LICSW, BCD, US Army Wounded Warrior Advocate -

I am pleased that I was invited to provide support to the 2008 AW2 Symposium in Indianapolis, IN. We met at the Sheraton Hotel overlooking the Civil War Monument reminding us that our work of remembering those who fought and wounded did not start four years ago when this program started.

I had a simple responsibility: Hall Monitor. I was responsible for assisting the logistical flow of the work and support delegates with numerous small issues. This involved helping pick up a forgotten prescription to driving a van to a baseball game. Small things – yet important.

The power of the Symposium is found in the connection and community of the week. People from various parts of the country who live separate and have various abilities come together to speak as a whole to the Army about how the wounded, injured, and ill can be remembered. I suspect that the work accomplished here will provide an incremental change to policies and procedures. This is OK – the Civil War monument was not built in one day nor will an everlasting policy that supports those who served and are wounded, injured, or ill.

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