International Toxicity Estimates for Risk Assessment

ITER is a free Internet database of human health risk values and cancer classifications for over 680 chemicals of environmental concern from multiple organizations worldwide.  ITER is the only database that presents risk data in a tabular format for easy comparison, along with a synopsis explaining differences in data and a link to each organization for more information.


Search Original ITER



ITER is currently available at its "Original ITER" location ( and is also available as part of the TOXNET compilation of databases (  The two locations contain the same information, however, the TOXNET display allows for additional search functions (click here to read a published manuscript describing how to use ITER on TOXNET).  Edits to ITER are still made to the "Original ITER" location, which is uploaded to the TOXNET version of ITER on a weekly basis. 


The Risk Information Exchange (RiskIE) is a companion database to ITER. It includes in-progress or recently completed risk assessment projects. Explore RiskIE at  


RiskIE is a database of notifications about a variety of human health risk assessment projects that are underway or recently completed.  Projects listed on RiskIE are both chemical-specific and nonchemical-specific, and range from many types of risk value development to risk methods document development.  RiskIE currently tracks over 4000 in progress or recently completed risk assessment projects conducted by 35 different organizations representing 13 different countries. 


Check out our recently published manuscript on ITER and RiskIE:


Wullenweber, A. et al.  2008.  Resources for global risk assessment: The International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER) and Risk Information Exchange (RiskIE) databases.  Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.  doi:10.1016/j.taap.2007.12.035