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Intermodal Transportation

In the twenty-first century, fast, efficient, and dependable access to worldwide suppliers and markets is essential for success in the global marketplace. ARC supports research, planning, and development activities designed to improve accessibility to the Region's transportation resources as well as the responsiveness of those resources. ARC funds are used to help improve and coordinate the Region's comprehensive intermodal transportation network, including aviation, local transit, railways, and inland waterways, so that it can actively support the businesses, communities, and people of Appalachia.

In 2007, ARC established a regional study group to evaluate changing macro-economic trends and project the affects of these trends on the Region's future commerce and on the movement of goods to, from, and across Appalachia. The group, which includes economic development, transportation, and international trade professionals from across Appalachia, published its research and recommendations in the report Network Appalachia.

Network Appalachia Report

Presentation: Network Appalachia: Access to Global Opportunity (PDF: 1.5 MB)

Network Appalachia Transportation Planning and Development Group Members

The Heartland Corridor: Opening New Access to Global Opportunity (PDF: 1.8 MB)