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Recent Final and Interim Final Regulations

​Regulation Part /
Federal Register Notice
​Description ​Status ​Comments ​Date Board Issued
12 CFR Parts 700, 741, 747 and 750 ​Definition of Troubled Condition Final Action​ N/A​ 01/10/2013​
​12 CFR Parts 702, 741 and 791 ​Prompt Corrective Action; Requirements for Insurance and Promulgation of NCUA Rules and Regulations Final Action​ N/A​ 01/10/2013​
12 CFR Parts 701 and 741 ​Designation of Low-Income Status; Acceptance of Secondary Capital Accounts by Low-Income Designated Credit Unions ​Final Action ​N/A 01/10/2013​
12 CFR Part 701 ​Treasury Tax and Loan Depositaries; Depositaries and Financial Agents of the Government Final Action​ ​N/A ​01/10/2013
12 CFR Parts 34 and 164 ​Appraisals for Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans Final Action​ ​N/A ​01/18/2013
12 CFR Part 713 ​Fidelity Bond and Insurance Coverage ​Final Action


​12 CFR Parts 703, 704, 709 and 741 ​Alternatives to the Use of Credit Ratings ​Final Action ​N/A ​12/06/2012
12 CFR Parts 701, 707, 714, 748, and 749 ​Regulations Affecting Credit Unions; Technical Amendments Final Action​ ​N/A 11/19/2012​
IRPS 12-1 ​Guidelines for the Supervisory Review Committee ​Interim with Comments ​N/A ​05/24/2012
​12 CFR Part 741 ​Correction - Interest Rate Risk Policy
and Program
​Correction N/A​ ​N/A
12 CFR Part 741 ​Loan Workouts and Nonaccrual Policy, and Regulatory Reporting of Troubled Debt Restructured Loans ​Final Action​ N/A​​ 05/24/2012​
12 CFR Parts 701, 703, 713, 721, 723, and 742 ​Eligible Obligations, Charitable Contributions, Nonmember Deposits, Fixed Assets, Investments, Fidelity Bonds, Incidental Powers, Member Business Loans, and Regulatory Flexibility Program. ​Final & Interim with Comments​ N/A​​ 05/24/2012​
12 CFR Parts 701, 760 and 790 ​Technical Amendments ​Final Action​ N/A​​ 03/15/2012​
12 CFR Part 741 ​Interest Rate Risk Policy and Program ​Final Action N/A​ ​1/26/2012
12 CFR Part 701 ​Technical Amendments to Section 701.34 ​Final Action ​N/A ​12/08/2011
​12 CFR Part 704 ​Corporate Credit Unions ​Final Action ​N/A ​12/15/2011
12 CFR Part 750 Golden Parachute and Indemnification Payments; Technical Correction Final Action N/A​ ​11/17/2011
12 CFR Part 701 ​Remittance Transfers Final Action ​N/A ​11/17/2011
12 CFR Part 701, 705 and 741 ​Community Development Revolving Loan Fund for Credit Unions ​Final Action ​N/A 10/27/2011
​12 CFR Part 700, et. al. ​Net Worth and Equity Ratio ​Final Action ​N/A ​9/22/2011
12 CFR Part 701 Remittance Transfers​ ​Interim with Comments click here 7/21/2011​
12 CFR Part 750 Golden Parachute and Indemnification Payments – Technical Correction​ Interim with Comments​ click here 6/17/2011​
12 CFR Part 701​ Sample Income Data To Meet the Low-Income Definition​ Final Action​ N/A​ ​6/17/2011
​12 CFR Part 740 Accuracy of Advertising and Notice of Insured Status Final Action​​ N/A​​ 05/19/2011​
12 CFR Parts 704, 741 and 750 Golden Parachute and Indemnification Payments​ Final Action​ N/A​​ 05/19/2011​
12 CFR Part 745 ​Share Insurance and Appendix​ Final Action​ ​N/A​ 05/19/2011​
12 CFR Part 702​ ​Prompt Corrective Action; Amended Definition of Low-Risk Assets Final Action​ ​N/A​ 03/17/2011​
12 CFR Part 704​ ​Corporate Credit Unions Final Action​ ​N/A​ 04/21/2011​
12 CFR Parts 708a and 708b​ ​Conversions of Insured Credit Unions Final Action N/A 03/7/2011​
IRPS 11-2 ​Chartering Corporate Credit Unions Final Action​ N/A​​ 02/17/2011​
IRPS 11-1 ​Final IRPS (amending IRPS 95-1 and 02-1) ​Final Action ​N/A​ 04/21/2011​
12 CFR Parts 707​ ​Truth in Savings Final Action​ N/A​​ ​01/13/2011
12 CFR Parts 708a and 708b​ ​Conversions of Insured Credit Unions Interim with Comments​ click here 12/20/2010​
12 CFR Parts 701, 708a and 708b​ ​Fiduciary Duties at Federal Credit Unions; Mergers and Conversions of Insured Credit Unions ​Final Action N/A​​ 12/16/2010​
12 CFR Part 701​ ​The Low-Income Definition Final Action ​N/A​ 12/16/2010​
12 CFR Part 704​ ​Corporate Credit Unions; Technical Corrections Interim with Comments​​ ​click here 11/18/2010​
12 CFR Parts 702, et. al.​ ​Prompt Corrective Action; Amended Definition of Low-Risk Assets ​Interim with Comments click here 10/21/2010​
12 CFR Parts 701, et. al. ​Fixed Assets, Member Business Loans, and Regulatory Flexibility Program ​Final Action N/A​​ 10/21/2010​
12 CFR Parts 702, et. al. ​Corporate Credit Unions ​Final Action N/A​​


12 CFR Part 701 ​Short-Term, Small Amount Loans Final Action​ N/A​​ 09/16/2010​
12 CFR Part 701 ​Secondary Capital Accounts Final Action​ ​N/A​ 09/16/2010​
12 CFR Parts 740 and 745 ​Display of Official Sign; Permanent Increase in Standard Maximum Share Insurance ​Final Action N/A​​ 08/25/2010​
​12 CFR Part 701 ​The Low-Income Definition Interim with Comments​ click here 07/29/2010​
​12 CFR Part 701 ​Chartering and Field of Membership for Federal Credit Unions Final Action N/A​​ 06/17/2010​
​12 CFR Parts 701, et al. ​Technical Amendments Final Action​ N/A​​ 05/04/2010​
12 CFR Parts 741 and 761 ​Registration of Mortgage Loan Originators; Correction Final Action​ N/A​​ ​04/10/2010
​12 CFR Parts 741 and 761 ​Registration of Mortgage Loan Originators ​Final Action N/A​​ 04/10/2010​
​12 CFR Part 701 ​Secondary Capital Accounts Interim with Comments​​ click here​ 02/09/2010​
12 CFR Part 706 ​Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices; Withdrawal Final Action, Withdrawal​ N/A​​ ​01/29/2010