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Public Service Announcements & Videos


VISTA: Fight Poverty with Passion

Thirty-seven million Americans—including 13 million children—live below the poverty line. Even those employed in low-paying jobs often are forced to choose between eating dinner, obtaining a vital prescription, or paying the monthly electric bill.

“VISTA: Fight Poverty with Passion” is a new marketing and informational campaign that illustrates the continuing impact that VISTA volunteers are having across America every day—and the need for dedicated individuals at all stages of their adult lives to apply their passions and skills to help the neediest Americans break the cycle of poverty.

Through new PSAs, print ads, and web banners, the campaign encourages more Americans—in particular minorities, recent college graduates, and baby boomers—to become AmeriCorps VISTA members. It also builds general awareness around the plight of the millions of Americans currently living in poverty.

Hope and Help in the Gulf

In conjunction with the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Corporation has developed several videos and public service announcements to illustrate the national service response to Katrina and to recruit members and volunteers for current opportunities in the Gulf. AmeriCorps has more than 5,000 positions available over the next three years to help restore Gulf Coast communities. Volunteers, particularly skilled volunteers, are needed by all national service programs as well as by nonprofit and faith groups working in the region.

National Service: Hope and Help in the Gulf

"National Service: Hope and Help in the Gulf" combines pictures of devastation with images of hope and recovery, while reminding us that much work remains to be done. The call to action is to direct viewers to Running time: 3 minutes.

Windows Media: High Speed | Dial Up

AmeriCorps: Hope and Help in the Gulf

"AmeriCorps: Hope and Help in the Gulf"combines pictures of devastation with images of AmeriCorps members and teams helping in recovery efforts, while reminding us that much work remains to be done. The call to action is to drive viewers to Running time: 3 minutes.

Windows Media: High Speed | Dial Up

AmeriCorps Service in the Gulf

AmeriCorps Service in the Gulf is a public service announcement that combines pictures of devastation with images of AmeriCorps members and teams helping in recovery efforts, while reminding us that much work remains to be done. The call to action is to direct viewers to Running times: 60 seconds and 30 seconds.

View 60-second PSA - Windows Media: High Speed | Dial Up

View 30-second PSA - Windows Media: High Speed | Dial Up

For information about PSA distribution, please contact Jackie Aker at

AmeriCorps NCCC: In Their Own Words

Interested in joining AmeriCorps NCCC? Hear what members from the Eastern Region campus serving in Louisiana and Mississippi have to say:

Windows Media: High Speed | Dial Up

AmeriCorps … Get Involved

AmeriCorps and the National Association of Broadcasters have collaborated to launch “AmeriCorps … Get Involved,” a new radio public service campaign to recruit AmeriCorps members nationwide. The bilingual spots tell the story of how AmeriCorps is responding to Hurricane Katrina and feature on-location interviews with real AmeriCorps members currently working at shelters throughout the Gulf Coast.

The response to Hurricane Katrina is expected to generate the largest volunteer mobilization effort in our nation’s history. AmeriCorps will play a critical role in leading and coordinating that mobilization.

Radio PSAs

The spots are available in :30 and :60 second formats. A Spanish language spot is also available. Click on a title below to listen to or download the spot.

Title Duration Listen Download
1. Basic Necessities 60 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
2. Basic Necessities 30 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
3. Time to Act / Alana 60 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
4. Time to Act / Alana 30 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
5. Time to Act / Jose 60 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
6. Time to Act / Jose 30 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
7. Katrina Recovery / Red Cross 60 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
8. Katrina Recovery / Red Cross 30 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
9. AmeriCorps Responds / Adam 60 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
10. AmeriCorps Responds / Adam 30 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
11. AmeriCorps … İnvolúcrate! (En Español) 60 sec. Windows Media Download MP3
12. AmeriCorps … İnvolúcrate! (En Español) 30 sec. Windows Media Download MP3

Live Announcer Copy

“AmeriCorps … Get Involved"
10 sec. Live Announcer Copy

"AmeriCorps members mobilized for Hurricane Katrina relief, just like they mobilize every day in communities nationwide. Get involved with AmeriCorps. Call 800-942-2677 or visit"

“AmeriCorps … Get Involved”
30 sec. Live Announcer Copy

"On August 29, Hurricane Katrina unleashed the worst natural disaster in our nation’s history. Thousands of AmeriCorps members immediately responded, helping the survivors of this tragedy.

Every day, throughout the nation, AmeriCorps is responding to community needs … tutoring kids, building affordable housing, cleaning up the environment, and much more.

Get involved with AmeriCorps. Find the opportunity that’s right for you by calling 800-942-2677 or visit"

“AmeriCorps … Get Involved”
60 sec. Live Announcer Copy

"On August 29, Hurricane Katrina unleashed the worst natural disaster in our history. Thousands of AmeriCorps members immediately responded, helping the survivors of this tragedy.

AmeriCorps has special working agreements with the American Red Cross, FEMA, Habitat for Humanity and other service organizations that allow its members to support mass care activities, collect and distribute needed supplies, and reunite families.

The response to this devastating storm will be the largest volunteer mobilization in our nation’s history, and AmeriCorps will play a critical role in leading and coordinating that mobilization. But that’s nothing new for AmeriCorps because AmeriCorps responds every day to community needs throughout the nation … tutoring kids, building affordable housing, cleaning up the environment, and much more.

Get involved with AmeriCorps. Find the opportunity that’s right for you by calling 800-942-2677 or visit We need your help."

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