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ATVM Loan Program Governing Documents


ATVM Authorizing Legislation

Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007

Section 136 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 establishes an incentive program consisting of both grants and direct loans to support the development of advanced technology vehicles and associated components. (H.R. 6, P.L. 110-140 [PDF])

Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2010

Section 312 of the Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2010 amends Section 136 of the Energy Independence and Security Act to include ultra-efficient vehicles within the definition of advanced technology vehicles. (H.R.3183, P.L. 111-85 [PDF])

FY 2009 Continuing Resolution Language

“SEC. 129. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, there is appropriated $7,510,000,000 for fiscal year 2009 for “Department of Energy–Energy Programs–Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program Account ” for the cost of direct loans as authorized by section 136(d) of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-140; 42 U.S.C. 17013 (d)), to remain available until expended. Of such amount, $10,000,000 shall be used for administrative expenses in carrying out the direct loan program. Commitments for direct loans using such amount shall not exceed $25,000,000,000 in total loan principal. The cost of such direct loans, including the cost of modifying such loans, shall be defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974.” (P.L. 110-329)

ATVM Background Documents

ATVM Industry Comments and Submissions

During the month of October 2008, representatives of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) met with representatives from the automobile industry. The primary goal was to listen and to ask clarifying questions. DOE representatives did not engage in negotiations; rather, they received information from meeting participants. Meetings were limited to 30 minutes.

Outside parties were encouraged to submit their ideas in writing before their scheduled meeting. Written materials were also received during and after each meeting. It was explicitly explained to all industry representatives that written materials would be made publicly available. To the extent that an outside party addressed material issues not already covered by written materials, that aspect would be addressed in a DOE memorandum, also to be made publicly available.

Every effort was made to meet with outside parties who requested the opportunity to share comments and suggestions, to the extent that such meetings were reasonable and feasible given the condensed timeframe for the rulemaking.

Attendee List - Industry Comment Meetings [PDF]

Automotive Trade Policy Council

AZ Automotive






General Motors



Johnson Controls



Remy, Inc.


Public Meetings

Talking Points [PDF]

Speaker Bios

Attendance List from 12/01/08 [PDF]

Transcript from 12/01/08 [PDF]

Attendance List from 12/05/08 [PDF]

Transcript from 12/05/08 [PDF]

Notice of Public Meeting

Media Advisory  11-24-2008

The U.S. Department of Energy is in the process of accepting applications for loans for its Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Incentive Program; therefore, the agency will be hosting two public meetings for the purpose of addressing inquiries from potential loan applicants regarding the ATVM Loan Program’s Interim Final Rule as published in the Federal Register, 73 FR 66721, on November 12, 2008. more> [PDF]