Monthly Archives: November 2012

Trade Term: Harmonized System

By: John Winston Sperry Though I joined the Foreign Trade Division in July, I still find myself exposed to new trade terms. During my first assignment to learn how to use USA Trade Online (UTO), I was introduced to this … Continue reading

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Getting Your Trade Data Sooner!!!

By: Melissa The U.S. Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division is pleased to announce that you will be getting your trade data sooner! Beginning in March 2013 with the January 2013 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (FT-900) report, monthly … Continue reading

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Record High Exports in September

By: Lam Overall, the deficit of goods and services is down from $43.8 billion (-$2.3 billion) in August (revised) to $41.5 billion in September. Specifically, exports increased from $181.4 billion (+$5.6 billion) in August (revised) to $187.0 billion in September. … Continue reading

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