Request for Quotation


Replace Manual Valves on Chiller

Issue Date: November 2, 2012

Current Closing Date/Time:  December 12, 2012

Questions regarding this RFQ should be addressed to the Contracting Officer at the fax number stated in the RFQ or they may be submitted via email to:   Please reference the RFQ number on the subject line of the email.  Any questions must be submitted to the Contracting Officer at least five (5) working days in advance of the closing date of the RFQ.

Description File Name
SF-18 (pages 1-2a) SF18_13_LM_0010.pdf
Attachment 1 (2 pages) Att1_13_LM_0010.pdf
Amendment 1 (2 pages) Amend1_13_LM_0010.pdf
Clauses & Provisions (pages 3 thru 11) Clauses_13_LM_0010.pdf
Full Test Version of Reps and Certs (pages 1 thru 12) SF18_Reps_and_Certs.pdf


Points of Contact

Reach us by email:

General inquiries:

Specific solicitation questions:

Payment by Credit Card:

Other payment methods inquires:

Reach us by phone:

Small Purchase (General) (202) 767-9288
Purchasing Branch Head (202) 767-2303
Deputy Supply Officer (202) 767-3778
Supply Officer (202) 767-3446

  Small Business Participation

Open market acquisitions with an anticipated value greater than $3000 are set aside by law exclusively for small businesses regardless of the procurement vehicle.   The NRL Supply and Information Services Division has very stringent small business participation goals that we make every effort to meet.   Small business participation in the procurement process, here at NRL, continues to grow. 

For more information visit the U.S. Small Business Administration at SBA.Gov


Proposed Acquisitions between $25,000.01 and $150,000 will be synopsized on the Federal Business Opportunities Website for 15 days prior to solicitation.   The Contracting Officer will consider each individual procurement as to its complexity, availability and urgency when establishing the response time to the RFQ. 


The System for Award Management (SAM) is a free web site that consolidates the capabilitites you used to find in CCR/FedReg, ORCA and EPLS.   All Contractors must be registered in SAM. 

User guides and helpful hints for SAM can be found at the Service Desk:

 Contractors On-Site

Requirements for On-Site Contractors

 Closed RFQs

Closed RFQs FY12

Links of Interest

Federal Bus Opprtunities (FedBizOpps)
NRL Contracing Division
Small Business Administration (SBA)
System for Award Management (SAM)