OSAN Middle School

Osan Middle School
Website Translation

Translations Available for this Website
Osan Middle School is now offering machine translations
throughout their website
At the bottom of each Web page, you will notice a blue box that says, “Translate this page.” You will then have a drop-down menu in which you can select from 34 languages into which that page can be translated. Once the language is selected and activated, the translator should automatically convert the text from each page into the selected language.

What is Machine Translation?
Machine translation can translate texts from one language to another automatically. A machine can learn lots of word-for-word/phrase-for-phrase mappings between languages and it can translate texts into your own language instantly. But a machine is not a native speaker and machine translated texts are not 100% accurate. Although not perfect, a machine translation service like this can be helpful for non-native speakers to get the main/essential information from the website.


If it is not always accurate, why use the Machine Translation?
Research shows that parent involvement in school help students learn and do better acdemically. Parents who do not speak English have a difficult time accessing information about their student’s school and getting involved. The purpose of the translation is to allow parents who are non-English speaking to have better access to our school's information.

Osan MIddle School would enjoy any feedback that you have to offer about the translation tool being used. Specifically, we want to know what pages are critical to have proper translations and if any translations currently being offered need improvement (please specify the language). Please send your feedback to the site webmaster.

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