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Staff Judge Advocate

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Office Symbol: ARSO-JA
Address: 4130 Stanley Road, Suite 700
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Commercial Phone: (210) 295-6227
DSN Phone: 421-6227
Fax:  (210) 295-6328
The Judge Advocate General's Corps Legal Services Site

                       What We Do:


As a full service legal office, the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate practices across the spectrum of the six core legal disciplines of the Army: Military Justice, International and Operational Law, Administrative and Civil Law, Contract and Fiscal Law, Legal Assistance, and Claims. The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate provides operational and international law advice to US Army South, a forward deployed multi-component Army Service Component Command responsible for US Army military activities throughout the Southern Hemisphere. Our legal advice pertains to all of the core legal competencies and includes aid to civil authorities, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, legal status of deployed personnel in other nations, rules of engagement, and applicability of host nation law.

SJA Logo

Military Justice


Support commanders and military law enforcement in maintaining good order and discipline by providing expert and responsive advice on all military justice and adverse administrative actions, representing the United States effectively and efficiently in courts-martial and administrative separation hearings. Provide legal support to Judge Advocates deployed in the USSOUTHCOM area of focus (AOF), to include South and Central America, and parts of the Caribbean.



Military Justice Jurisdiction extends to Soldiers assigned to US Army South, its subordinate units, and Soldiers in the AOF.

Services A Trial Counsel (prosecutor) is assigned in support of commanders at each level to advise on the following subjects:

  • Criminal Investigations
  • Search and Seizure 
  • Non-judicial Punishment (Article 15) 
  • Courts-Martial 
  • Administrative Reprimands/Admonishments 
  • Administrative Separation Actions (Officer/Enlisted) 
  • Bars to Reenlistment 
  • Relief for Cause 
  • Corrective Training 
  • Pretrial Confinement


International Law

The international Law section coordinates and conducts Legal Subject Matter Exchanges (SMEs), wherein US Army Judge Advocates share ideas with military attorneys from other countries, to enhance effectiveness and encourage support for democratic ideals.

Operational Law

The Operational Law component supports all operations conducted by US Army South. These operations include, but are not limited to, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, and stability operations. Operational Law Judge Advocates assist the Command with the impact of treaties and international agreements, rules of engagement, and fiscal constraints on US Army South missions.

Center for Law and Military Operations

State Department Foreign Countries



Administrative, Civil, & International Law

The division advises the Commander and Staff on the organization, powers, functions, and employment of US Army South; devises and implements legal strategies to further Command vision, mission, and goals; consults with other DoD organizations, Federal agencies, and private entities on legal and policy issues; and provides Title 10 legal services throughout the AOF.

The division consists of senior attorneys with joint, multi-component, and interagency experience. The attorneys interpret and apply legislation, regulations of DoD and other Federal agencies, judicial decisions, and OGC opinions; conduct Federal litigation; render contracts, ethics, fiscal, labor, legal assistance, and ombudsman services; construe treaties and international agreements; and advise boards and investigating officers.

Ethics Resources



Contract and Fiscal Law


Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

DoD Financial Management Regulation (DODFMR)

Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR) / Joint Travel Regulation (JTR)



Domestic Legal Assistance

Our office provides pre-deployment and emergency legal assistance to members of US Army South.  These services include wills, powers of attorney, and notarizations.  Soldiers and Family Members are encouraged to make an appointment for other services at the Fort Sam Houston Garrison Legal Assistance Office in Building 134 on Stanley Road, 210-221-2353.


Legal Assistance

U.S. Army South delivers on-site legal assistance to DOD personnel in 32 countries and 14 protectorates throughout USSOUTHCOM AOR.

Our Legal Assistance Attorney provides services in the following areas:

  • Consumer Protection
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Fair Debt Collection
  • Practices Act
  • Family Law (divorce, custody, child support)
  • Federal Income Taxation
  • General and Special
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Health Care Powers of Attorney
  • Housing and Real Estate
  • Identity Theft
  • Immigration and Citizenship
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Living Wills
  • Military Personnel Issues
  • Trusts
  • Wills

Please contact our legal assistance attorney at (210) 295-6967 (commercial), 421-6967 (DSN) to initiate the process of scheduling an on-site visit to your location.

If applicable, please complete a will questionnaire prior to your legal assistance appointment.



Personnel Claims

Personnel claims for damages to household goods and personal property are handled by the Fort Sam Houston Garrison Claims Office in Building 153 on Stanley Road, 210-221-1973. 

Foreign Claims

In accordance with the Foreign Claims Act, 10 USC 2734, the US Army South Operational Law section adjudicates claims submitted by inhabitants of foreign countries, or by governments of foreign countries or political subdivisions thereof, for compensation from the United States arising from the non-combat activities of US military service members or civilian employees, where those service members or civilian employees, through negligent or wrongful actions cause personal injury, death, or property damage.  


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Staff Judge Advocate