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Welcome to the Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Squadron web page.  We are located in North Las Vegas, NV.  We are a cadet squadron and host cadet members.

If you are learning about the Civil Air Patrol and interested in learning about the Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Sq please review the information on this page and contact me by email using the link below.  

Maj Terence M. Wood, CAP
Email address:  tmwood@interact.ccsd.net

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Falcon Quarterly - Squadron Newsletter

January 2011

Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Sq

Charter Number: PCR NV801

Unit Contacts

Maj Terence M. Wood, CAP
Phone: (702) 476-5413
email: tmwood@interact.ccsd.net

Deputy Commander
Capt Althea Levell
Phone: (702) 516-9158
email: allevell-nv801@cox.net


Meeting Location & Times

Tuesday 3:00-6:00pm

Meeting Place:
Room 611
Jim Bridger Middle School
2505 North Bruce St
North Las Vegas, NV  89030

 News & Announcements

Nevada Cadet Squadron Honored at Rotarian Awards Ceremony
Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Squadron Receives Recognition.

Capt. Terrence M. Wood
Public Affairs Officer

Bridger Middle School
Cadet Squadron

September 13, 2010, the Clark County Commissioners Chambers was the scene of the 9th annual Safety Officers Awards Recognition (S.O.A.R.) sponsored by the Southern Nevada Rotarians. The Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Squadron NV 801 received the S.O.A.R. traveling trophy honoring the squadron and members of the Civil Air Patrol.

Pictured here, left to right, are Deanna Jaskowski, Jim Bridger Middle School Principal, c/SSGT Eakman, Captain Terence Wood, c/SSGT Morgan and c/SrA Young.

Organized to provide an after school program in an urban at risk middle school, the Bridger CAP squadron was the first Civil Air Patrol School Enrichment Program (SEP) in the state of Nevada and has been an active member in their North Las Vegas neighborhood.

The squadron’s service contributions have included participating in the Doolittle Community Center “It takes a village” program, Sam’s Club food drives and service dog program, numerous flag postings at community functions, Civil Air Patrol sponsored Drug Demand Reduction booths featuring fatal vision goggles that instruct local youth on the dangers of impaired vision and providing roving safety patrols at the annual Boy Scout Expos.

Honorees this year from the 801st are unit organizers Captains, A C Sperling, David Henderson, Terence Wood, and First Lieutenant Keri Henderson. These four individuals are a motivated team that have inspired two young cadets to complete their training as CAP cadet officers, and an annual recruiting and retention rate of over 50 percent. As volunteers they have performed exceptional service as professionals and have brought credit upon themselves, Clark County School District and the Civil Air patrol.

Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Squadron color guard attends two Clark County, Nevada community events in the same week.

Capt Terence M Wood
Public Affairs Officer

Bridger Middle School
Cadet Squadron

The week began very busy for the Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Squadron as their color guard team opened the 8th annual Safety Officers Award Recognition (S.O.A.R) held in the Clark County, Nevada Commissioners chambers.

Attended by City, County, and State Fire and Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Marshal Service, and Nellis Air Force Base 99th Security Squadron, the event recognized the outstanding accomplishments that safety officers have performed for their communities. This annual event is sponsored by the 13 Southern Nevada Rotary Clubs.

Later in the same week, members of the Bridger Squadron were on hand for the 3rd annual “It takes a village” anti-violence gathering held at the City of Las Vegas Doolittle Community Center for a posting of the colors and manning of a Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) and Civil Air Patrol recruiting booth. Members of law enforcement and community partners came together at this event to help make West Las Vegas a safer community


Aerospace Education Activity 
by Terence Wood, Capt., CAP

NEVADA – The 801st SEP at Jim Bridger Middle School, North Las Vegas, Nevada held it’s first Aerospace Educational Exercise.  


Capt. E. Kevin Stall, commander of the 70th Cadet Squadron, met eleven cadets, five senior members and one parent at the North Las Vegas airport to conduct familiarization training on several Civil Air Patrol aircraft.

The morning began with a review of external parts of the aircraft and their function. Cadets were questioned about their prior knowledge as part of that review.

Two aircraft were used for this orientation, a Cessna 206 and a Cessna 182 with G1000 instrumentation. Cadets were paired and allowed to sit in the pilot and copilot seats where Capt. Stall went over the instrument panel. This was a tremendous experience as many of the cadets had never been inside a Cessna before.  2nd Lt. Pierce discussed preflight checks and several Cadets were given an opportunity to check the fuel for impurities. Proper safety around the aircraft and moving the aircraft in and out of the hanger was additional information covered.

A tour of the CAP operations center at the North Las Vegas site completed a very rewarding educational experience.

Terence Wood, Capt., CAP
Assistant Public Affairs Officer
Jim Bridger Middle School Cadet Squadron
Nevada Wing  

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Cadet Program

The mission of Cadet Programs is a top priority for the Nevada Wing, and as such it has received a large amount of support in terms of logistics and senior personnel.  

The success of Nevada Wing Cadet Program is due to the work of Squadron Commanders and the Deputy Commander for Cadets.

These dedicated individuals take their time and energies to CAP activities and weekly meetings and have positively shaped the lives of countless Nevada Civil Air Patrol Cadets.