Head Start

An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

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Assessing Young English Language Learners
2008 Dual Language Learner's Institute General Session - Linda Espinosa

Assessment should drive curriculum when serving young English language learners. Linda Espinosa recommends that Head Start staff assess the environment and individual characteristics of each dual language learner in their care. Beyond assessing the child, Espinosa also encourages staff to affirm the language development expectations, methods, and models used in the classroom to interpret the development of the child.

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Assessing Young English Language Learners. 2008 Dual Language Learner’s Institute - Linda Espinosa. HHS/ACF/OHS. 2008. English. Streaming Video. 00:37:46.

Last Reviewed: May 2012