USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Bill RichardsonWilliam B. Richardson                         

Position title: Research Aquatic Ecologist

Phone: 608.781.6231
Fax: 608.783.6066

BS 1974 Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI (Fisheries and Wildlife)
MS 1983   Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI. (Aquatic Biology)
Ph.D.  1989   University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK (Zoology)

Primary Responsibilities/Activities:
, Nutrients and Lower Trophic Productivity Team. Writes research plans, proposals for funding, and manuscripts pertaining to nutrients, foodweb interactions, and productivity of freshwater ecosystems, particularly floodplain rivers, streams, and wetlands; supervises research biologists and technical staff; analyzes data and create presentations for scientific and public audiences.

Research Interests: 

Active Projects:

Select Publications:
Richardson, W., J. Schubauer-Berigan,  P. Hughes, L. Bartsch, R. Kreiling, J. Cavanaugh, R. Kreiling, and J. Nissen. (In review).  Evaluation of stressor attenuation through a constructed wetland in Halfway Creek Watershed, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Final Report to US EPA, 167 pp.

James, W., W.B. Richardson, and D. Soballe.  In press.  Contribution of sediment fluxes and transformations to the summer nitrogen budget of an Upper Mississippi River backwater system.  Hydrobiologia

Cavanaugh, J.C., W.B. Richardson, E.A. Strauss and L.A. Bartsch.  2006.  Nitrogen dynamics in sediment during water level manipulation on the Upper Mississippi River. River Research and Applications 22:1-17.

Strauss, E.A., W.B. Richardson, J.C. Cavanaugh, L.A. Bartsch, R.M. Kreiling, and A.J. Standorf.  2006.  Variability and regulation of denitrification in an Upper Mississippi River backwater.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25: 596-606.
Richardson, W.B., E.A. Strauss, E.M. Monroe, L.A. Bartsch, J.C. Cavanaugh, L. Rabuck, and D. Soballe. 2004.  Denitrification in the Upper Mississippi River: rates, controls and contribution to nitrate flux.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 1102-1112.

Richardson, W.B. and L.A. Bartsch. 1997.  Effects of zebra mussels on food webs: interactions with hydraulic retention time and juvenile bluegill. Hydrobiologia 354: 141-150.

Nutrient Loading and Effects

Managing Pathways of Biological Production in Large-River Ecosystems

Taking the Pulse of a River System: First 20 Years
Long Term Resource Monitoring on the Upper Mississippi River System

Genetic Characterization of the endangered mussel Lampsilis higginsi

Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians

Effects of ammonia on unionid mussels: a potential threat to their biodiversity in the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway

Denitrification and sediment ammonia in the Upper Mississippi River

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