USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Jeffry A. BernardyJeffry A. Bernardy

Position title: Chemist

Phone: 608.781.6273
Fax: 608.783.6066

1990 Masters of Science, Water Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison
1980 B.S., Biology, University of Minnesota, Morris

Primary Responsibilities/Activities:
The majority of my research involves developing and validating new analytical methods for fisheries management chemicals and drugs.  The methods are used to conduct further research, provide data to the Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA) or the Environmental Protection Agency, or used by fisheries and aquatic resource managers when conducting field treatments to control diseases or invasive species.  Non research responsibilities include overseeing UMESC’s well water (Safe Drinking Water Act) and wastewater (NPDES permit).

Research Interests:

Active Projects:

Select Publications:
Hubert, T.D, J. Bernardy, V. Chue, V. Dawson, M.Boogaard, T. Schreier and W. Gingerich.  2005.  Residues of the lampricides TFM and niclosamide in muscle tissue of rainbow trout.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.  53:5342‑5346.

Bernardy, J.A., C. Vue, M.P. Gaikowski, G.R. Stehly, W.H. Gingerich, and A. Moore. 2003. Residue depletion of oxytetracycline from fillet tissues of northern pike and walleye.  Aquaculture. 221:657-665.

Vue, C. J. Bernardy, T. Hubert, .Gingerich, and G. Stehly, 2002. Relatively rapid loss of lampricide residues from fillet tissue of fish after routine treatment. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, No. 23.

Hubert, T. D., C. Vue, J. A. Bernardy, D.L. Van Horsen,and M.I. Rossulek,  2001.  Determination of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol and 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol glucuronide in edible fillet tissue of rainbow and channel catfish by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography. AOAC International. 84, 392-398.

Hubert, T.D., J.A. Bernardy, C. Vue, and W.H. Gingerich.  1999.  Uptake, metablolism, and elimination of TFM by fish. chapter in Xenobiotics in Fish,.edited by David J. Smith,W. H. Gingerich, and M.G. Beconi-Barker. Kluwer Academic /. Plenum Publishers, New York, NY.


Impacts of Human Contaminants

Aquatic Invasive Species

UMESC - Invasive Species

Research support to the Federal-State Drug Approval Partnership Project

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