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ebrary—The Library’s Newest E-Book Collection!

Ebrary block logoThe Boulder Labs Library now offers access to over 700 eBooks specifically chosen to meet the unique needs of Boulder Labs researchers. The entire collection is available via a Patron Driven Acquisition Model, which allows free access to Tables of Contents (ToC) and Indexes, and purchases titles for the Library’s permanent online collection when certain triggering events occur. Triggers include:

ebrary titles are available from the library’s online catalog by clicking the link listed under “Linked Resources.” Or, you can search ebrary directly.

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ROAR—Registry of Open Access Repositories

ROAR screenshotROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories) tracks the growth and status of over 3300 repositories worldwide. Each repository entry contains:

You may either browse or search for specific repositories, or search the content of all repositories registered in ROAR.

Left: Screenshot from ROAR,
showing repository results
list with graphical representations
of deposit activity.

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SuperDARN Scans Polar Regions

SuperDARN globe w/antenna vectorsSuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral Radar Network) is a network of over 20 radars fixed on the Earth’s polar regions, funded by the NSF. The purpose of SuperDARN is to measure the position and velocity of charged particles in the ionosphere. Available from the SuperDARN site are several datasets, including:

The downloads and software are available upon free registration.

SuperDARN antenna coverage, above

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Repository66—Interactive Map of  over 2300 Institutional Repositories

Repository66 draws on data from ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories) and OpenDOAR (covered in the May 2011 Library News) to create an interactive Google map of repositories around the world. Features include:

Repository66 screen shot

Clicking on a repository location brings up instant information on the institution, as well as a bar for searching within the repository using Google, Google Scholar, or Microsoft live.

Left: Map of repositories worldwide


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News · Archive · Monthly Newsletter

Note: the Boulder Laboratories Library does not necessarily endorse the views, facts, services or products on any off site links.

Boulder Laboratories Library · 303.497.3271