
SGT Sarah Goss

SGT Sarah Goss

SGT Sarah Goss is from the small town of Lexington, Oklahoma.  She enlisted in the Oklahoma Army National Guard as a Food Service Specialist in October of 2003.  She completed Basic Training at Ft Jackson, SC and “Cook School” at Ft Lee, VA and was assigned to HHC (-) 45th Infantry Brigade (Sep).   In March of 2005 she was given the opportunity to re-class as a Common Ground Station Operator in Ft Huachuca, AZ and spent the last five years of her National Guard career with B Co. BSTB, 45th IBCT (formerly 245th MI Co.)

Although she enjoyed “getting out and doing stuff” with the National Guard, SGT Goss found drill weekends at the armory tedious, which prompted her decision to go Active Duty.  When told by MEPS personnel that the only MOS available to prior service females at that time was 46R, her exact words were, “Great!  What’s that?”  SGT Goss found out what a Broadcast Journalist does when she got to the Defense Information School six months later. She graduated from DINFOS in April, 2010 and is quickly adjusting to her new MOS and Active Duty life.

SGT Goss’s husband, Thayer, is a civilian and is enjoying the opportunity to get out and explore Germany. They have two children, Thayer (4) and Aidan (2), as well as two cats, whom SGT Goss loved enough to bring over from the states with her.


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