Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S.  Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) released the following statement on the President’s State of the Union Address:

“This isn’t the first time we have heard from President Obama about plans to create jobs and rejuvenate the economy.  Unfortunately, his first term showed that speeches alone do not equate to meaningful action, and he has yet to lead and reach across the aisle to develop a serious plan to rebuild our economy and stem Washington’s out-of-control debt.  Rather than laying out a pro-growth plan to spur our economy, he promoted the same big-government policies that have failed to get our economy up and running again.  Instead of addressing the need to reduce Washington’s massive deficits by reforming important yet unsustainable entitlements, he proposed more taxes on job creators.

“For years, the President said that he would have ‘more flexibility’ to address our nation’s problems following his reelection.  The election is over, there are no more excuses, and it’s time for him to get to work on actually governing.  To do that, he needs to step forward, reach across the aisle, and work with Republicans to find common ground on policies that will reform our antiquated tax code and give our economy a shot in the arm.”