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Department of Health and Human Services

Explore Your Treatment Options: Patients Share Their Stories

Patients like you have improved their lives by asking questions and exploring options.

Here are stories from people who have led better, healthier lives because they explored their treatment options. You can, too.

Annie Randolph

Annie Randolph lived with high blood pressure for years, but she only got the upper hand on her condition when she found good information about the so-called “silent killer” and her treatment options. Read more.

Gwen Rodenberger

A diabetes diagnosis was a wake-up call to self-proclaimed “couch slug” Gwen Rodenberger, who wanted to find out the best ways she could improve her life. Read more.

Rick Thornton

At 47, Rick Thornton was diagnosed with prostate cancer. An engineer by training, Rick weighed the angles of different options to treat his cancer. Carefully considering his choices helped Rick to conclude which treatment was right for him. Read more.

Jennifer Jaff

Thirty-five years ago, Jennifer Jaff was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. It has only been in the last 8 years that her quality of life has improved. What made the difference? Making a shared treatment decision with her doctor after exploring all her options. Read more.

Steve Thurner

After getting diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Steve Thurner delayed learning anything more about his disease or treatment alternatives. But his life improved when he finally took the time to educate himself and compare his options. Read more.

Marti Denk

Marti Denk considered different treatment options for breast cancer after her doctor gave her homework—to talk to other patients and do some reading. Marti says that advice led her to being perfectly fine today. Read more.

Julia Hallisy

Over a decade of helping her young daughter deal with eye cancer, Julia Hallisy’s determination to understand treatment options led to an improved quality of life and ultimately less pain for her child. Read more.

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