United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Soil Survey Technical Notes

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Technical Note 10

Posted: March 2011 (revised February 2013)

Buried Soils and Their Effect on Taxonomic Classification

Buried Soils and Their Effect on Taxonomic Classification (DOCX; 1.1 MB)

Technical Note 9

Posted: July 2005

Populating Taxonomic Moisture Class and Subclass in NASIS

Populating Taxonomic Moisture Class and Subclass in NASIS (DOC; 263 KB)

Technical Note 8

Posted: July 2005

Use of Reaction (pH) in Soil Taxonomy

Use of Reaction (pH) in Soil Taxonomy (DOC; 274 KB)

Technical Note 7

Posted: January 2005

Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature (SM/ST) Pilot Project Final Report

Technical Note 6

Posted: December 2004

Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Water Movement Concepts and Class History

Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity: Water Movement Concepts and Class History (DOC; 4.65 MB)

Technical Note 5

Posted: March 2004

Assessing Carbonates in the Field with a Dilute Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Solution

Assessing Carbonates in the Field with a Dilute Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) Solution (DOC; 336 KB)

Technical Note 4

Posted: February 2003

Populating Map Unit Data: Taxonomic classes and map unit components

Populating Map Unit Data: Taxonomic classes and map unit components (DOC; 642 KB)

Technical Note 3

Posted: May 2002

Clarification of the Definition of Aniso Class

Clarification of the Definition of Aniso Class (DOC; 240 KB)

Technical Note 2

Posted: May 2002

Soil Color Contrast

Soil Color Contrast (DOC; 1.2 MB)

Technical Note 1

Posted: June 2001

Soil Moisture Status in the National Soil Information System

Soil Moisture Status in the National Soil Information System (DOC; 336 KB)