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Florida AHCA/AHRQ Project
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Process Flow Chart

First, AHCA identifies participating pilot project hospitals with Electronic Lab Records. Then, Hospitals do the following:

  1. Hospital SMEs and technical staff provide lab test catalog terminology to 3M.
    1. 3M normalization and mapping of lab terminology via LOINC
  2. QA of LOINC normalized lab technology
    1. 3M normalization and mapping of lab terminology via LOINC
  3. Lab data translation based on LOINC mapping and QA of translated data
  4. Data files saved into comma separated value (CSV) Format
  5. Hospitals upload data sets to their secure FTP AHCA site (one site per hospital system)

Then, AHCA, with 3M technical support and a 3M database design technical discussion:

  1. Download lab records from AHCA FTP sites
  2. Insert data in Oracle database
  3. Merge lab records with administrative data for a joined record set
  4. Upload joined record set to FTP site

After the joined record set is uploaded to the FTP site, independent contractor analysis occurs, followed by an independent contractor summary report.

Then, 3M:

  1. Download joined record set from the FTP site
  2. Create APR DRG groupings and perform a preliminary analysis
  3. Summary report

Then, the hospitals' review and feedback, with the 3M summary report and independent contractor summary report, inform the AHCA final report.

Internet Citation: FL AHCA/AHRQ Project. Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). April 2011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
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Last modified 4/11/11