HCV Database
HCV sequence database


Purpose: HCV BLAST finds the database sequences most similar to your query.

Paste your input here
or upload a file
or enter an accession number

Output style See examples.
Number of BLAST matches to display
Run BLAST against
or a background set of sequences you upload

Details: Although our DNA database contains most of the same HCV sequences found in GenBank, doing the search here gives a more informative output. The output list will contain some of the fields we annotate, such as subtype, sampling country, isolation year, and the genomic location of the sequence alignment. See HCV BLAST Examples for tips in interpreting your output.

Input: One nucleotide or amino acid sequence may be submitted per run. The sequence can in FastA format or raw sequence.

Output style: See HCV BLAST Examples for examples of 'Pairwise' and 'Master-Slave' output.

Background options: The default is to BLAST your query against all sequences in the HCV Database. You can also search only the sequences with assigned genotypes, or sequences of one pure genotype. If you want to BLAST against your own submitted background set, browse for a file that contains those sequences.

Subsequent analyses: From the BLAST results page, you can:

  • Download and align all or a selection of your output sequences,
  • Use the Geography search to examine the origin of your BLAST results,

References: BLAST references

Questions or comments? Contact us at hcv-info@lanl.gov