Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Howdy from the Southwest

We have been in Big Bend National Park working for the trail maintenance crew for almost two months now and I am having the time of my life. I had never heard of Big Bend before getting assigned to this project and after seeing all the endless beauty, I am shocked that it is not as famous as some of the more well-known National Parks like Yosemite or Glacier.

We have a little under two weeks left here working for the trail crew and then we head back to Denver for the final week and a half participating in AmeriCorps NCCC. At the end of July, I will have completed my 10-month commitment and will return to the DC area. I am having a tough time wrapping my head around how fast this experience has gone by.

We are living in tents and only get an Internet connection or cell phone reception every week and a half. Nature and hiking have always been a major interest to me, but that cannot be said for everyone on the team. Some people are definitely struggling with the daily 100+ degree temperatures, lack of sleep from windy nights, and complete disconnect from the rest of the world. It has made for some tense moments, but overall, the team is doing really well and doing some great work.

We have been working with the National Park Service trail crew here in Big Bend. Although trails help millions of people get a closer look at nature, they also prevent water from being easily spread evenly throughout the park. The sparse rainwater that falls in the desert here will just coast down the trails instead of nourishing the plants of Big Bend equally. We have been digging drainage ditches and installing water bars on the trails that help disperse the rainfall and also prevent erosion. It is incredibly strenuous but awesome work, especially since we are doing it in the heat of the desert.

The park is our playground. Everyday off we go on hikes all throughout the park. I have already hiked almost 100 miles worth of trails and reached the peak of 4+ mountains. We also have free access to any campsite in the park. I camped out on the ‘South Rim’ a couple days ago.

Well… as you can read… life here is awesome! If you ever get the chance, you need visit BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life in Big Bend National Park

Hey guys! It has been ages since I have had a chance to write anything to you. But I will update to the best of my abilities. Right now we are on our fourth and final project in AmeriCorps NCCC and I must admit I am a little saddened by it. It's nice to be back together with Water 4, though! I have missed them tons! Since being in Big Bend we have been doing many different projects, most of which is trail maintenance. We have been using lots of different tools and such to get the work done. I have become an expert at using a pick-matic which is pretty cool. We went on our first hitch (multi-day camping excursion in the mountains) where we hiked up to Emory Peak which is over 7,000 feet. We have been repairing the new trail and getting it all nice and smooth for the hikers. We camp in tents and we cook our food on camping stoves. I feel like a real wilderness camper. I haven't showered in DAYS!!! I haven't seen a mirror in ages and I am betting that I have a face full of hair and can't wait to shave it off. HAHA! Time is dwindling pretty fast here and it will soon be time for graduation. I can't wait to see my family and friends; I haven't seen anyone from home since I joined in October. I have been very focused on my life after AmeriCorps and I have been accepted to serve with City Year New York as a Corps Member. They also called me back to interview me for a Senior Corps Team Leader! I am glad that I have something to transition to after the program is over. I can't wait! For now, later!!!

~ Shawn
Brought to you by AmeriCorps NCCC, a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service.
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