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Exchange Rate ( 2012 October 10)
Currency Cash
  Selling Buying
USD 52.3300 52.1300
EURO 67.2100 66.6100
Pound 83.0500 82.2500
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خبرنامه مطبوعاتی دافغانستان بانک در باره وضعیت حصول قروض کابلبانک

DAB solicits input on proposed Mortgage Finance Company regulation from the public by 30 Assad 1389 (21 August 2010) – see the Laws and Regulations page for details


The vision of DAB is that of a monetary institution which upholds international best practice in fostering price stability and a sound financial system conducive to macro-economic stability, and broad-based economic growth.

Basic Tasks of DAB:

  • Formulate, adopt and execute the monetary policy of Afghanistan.

  • Hold and manage the official foreign exchange reserves of Afghanistan.

  • Print and issue Afghani banknotes and coins.

  • Act as banker and adviser to, and as fiscal agent of the State.

  • License, regulate and supervise banks, foreign exchange dealers, money service providers, payment system operators, securities service providers, securities transfer system operators.

  • Establish, maintain and promote sound and efficient systems for payments, for transfers of securities issued by the State or DAB, and for the clearing and settlement of payment transactions and transactions in such securities.

Contact Us

Tell: 00 93 (20) 2104146

Email : info@CentralBank.Gov.Af

Need more contact Click here!

Strategic Plan (2009-2014)
Asia Pacific Union for Housing Finance


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