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Message from the President of Afghanistan

Afghanistan today is the land of countless business opportunities. Despite persistent successes in making Afghanistan a place suitable for investment, an important policy decision. read more


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Herat Industrial Conference & Exhibition (HICE)

"It's great, it's Afghan made”

Date: April- 2013
Venue: Herat - Afghanistan

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Priority Sectors
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Agriculture and agriculture-related industries
Agriculture is a fundamental means of livelihood in Afghanistan, the climate is well suited for the cultivation of horti read more
Agriculture is a fundamental means of livelihood in Afghanistan, the climate is well suited for the cultivation of horticultural crops and is the geographic origin of many
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Low-end (labor-intensive) manufacturing
Agriculture is a fundamental means of livelihood in Afghanistan, the climate is well suited for the cultivation of
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Transport and Logistics
Agriculture is a fundamental means of livelihood in Afghanistan, the climate is well suited for the cultivation of horticultural crops and is the geographic origin of many
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Mining, power and water
Agriculture is a fundamental means of livelihood in Afghanistan, the climate is well suited for the cultivation of horticultural crops and is the
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Construction materials
Agriculture is a fundamental means of livelihood in Afghanistan, the climate is well suited for the cultivation of horticultural crops and is the geographic origin of many
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   Announcements About Us

To become a world-class investment promotion and support agency by ensuring a business-friendly environment for private sector development and thereby robust and sustainable economic growth in Afghanistan.

To create sustainable enterprise development particularly small and medium by providing quality services to investors, facilitating cross border partnerships, advocating business enabling measures & reforms and by promoting Afghanistan as an attractive business and investment destination proactively.

Our Services

The Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA), stands ready to provide investors with assistance and the most up-to-date information available on Afghanistan’s investment opportunities. AISA has several programs specifically designed to aid incoming businesses. Our staff is able to provide potential investors with assistance based on their company’s particular requirements and to expedite everything from preliminary investigations to final site negotiations. AISA can also identify potential joint venture partners. AISA’s main concern is to solve or eliminate problems which might arise for new businesses. • read more

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د ملی صنایعو کنفرانس او نندارتون عالی ده افغانی ده اطلاعیه پارکهای صنعتی د صنعتی پارکونو خبرتیا عالیست افغانیست اطلاعیه چاپ رهنمای سرمایه گذاری
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