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Principal Welcome back to a new school year! BMS is an outstanding school for students to grow and prosper in a safe environment. I want to extend a special welcome to those of you who are first-time middle school parents; middle school is a very special time, with tremendous growth for children, socially, intellectually, and physically. Helping your children grow through this period of their lives and become healthy, whole, caring people who know how to use their minds well is rewarding work. I am delighted to be in partnership with you to help maximize your child's potential. To ensure we meet each student's needs, our school practices Continuous School Improvement (CSI). All faculty members are part of the CSI team and we welcome and need your participation as well.

Through reviewing student achievement data and the CSI process, BMS has identified two primary academic goals for the 2010-2011 school year, (1) improving reading and (2) increasing math skills. While focusing on these two goals, we also work in many ways to improve student achievement including offering after-school help to students, working towards consistent communication with parents, and using data to differentiate instruction in the classroom.

BMS offers a variety of course offerings with small student numbers in most classes, which provides a very special experience for our students. Students will receive their schedules for the entire year on the first day. I expect most students will be pleased with their schedules, and believe that this will be a very successful year both academically and socially for all BMS students.

The beginning of every new school year is an exciting time. A tremendous amount of energy goes into this beginning, on the part of all of us--parents, students, faculty, and staff. We all want to start it right, to give students the best possible beginning to help them make it a successful, productive, and happy year. To this end, we will help both new and returning students understand their role in making BMS a school that is free from teasing and bullying as well as a safe and productive environment for everyone. Please help us by reinforcing these expectations at home. With your help, BMS will continue to be a school community in which every person feels respected, valued, and is encouraged and challenged to achieve at the highest levels.

Again, welcome to the new school year at BMS. We recognize that without your support we will not be able to reach our full potential as a school. So, please do become involved, in whatever way works for you -- whether that be talking with your children about their school experiences and schoolwork, volunteering to help with an activity, serving on a committee, or contacting us to give us your thoughts and ideas. Also, please be aware that we have openings for parent representatives on our School Advisory Council.

Please feel free to stop by my office or contact me at any time via phone or e-mail if I can be of assistance.

David Borg, Principal