
Great Basin Image Catalog

Photographs are important tools for biologists working in the field. Sometimes they are used to describe a field technique. Some are used to document a particularly good specimen of plant or animal. Sometimes, a picture is simply taken for fun. The Great Basin Image Catalog provides selected images from 20+ years of research.

This application is based upon work previously supported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) Program.

Photographs of Sagebrush and Associated Landscapes in the Western United States

You can take a photographic tour of the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau using this interactive map application. The photos were taken along survey routes and are georeferenced. The interactive map allows you to click on a survey point and see a photograph of that location. This site illustrates the diversity of landscapes within these regions.

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Page Last Modified: 5/16/2012