Get GIS Data

Choose from the menu below to filter data by State/Province, data format, and/or theme type. Use the Ctrl button to sect multiple items from any list. 

There are 3 ways to get GIS data from the Sagemap database
  • List:

    List all data available in the Sagemap database.  Once the list is generated, you can filter the results by State, data format, and/or theme type. Because there are thousands of records, this list may seem slow to generate.

  • Search:

    Start your search by selecting  a State(s), data format(s), and/or theme type(s).  This will return a faster result than listing all of the data. You can start this search from the form on the right.

  • Interactive Map:

    We are in the process of improving the interactive mapping capabilities of SAGEMAP.  Until then, you can access our old interactive mapper here. You will need to enable pop-ups in your browser to use this mapping application.

Example of table returned by data search
Example of a portion of the data table returned by a search of State=USA.

Featured Data

Classification System for Sagebrush Communities


The system for sagebrush classification is part of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification System of the International Classification of Ecological Communities. The sagebrush classification system was developed by vegetation ecologists from NatureServe, in collaboration with scientists from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, USDA Forest Service, US Geological Survey, California Natural Diversity Program, Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, Idaho Conservation Data Center, and the Natural Heritage Programs of Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington. 

"Sage-Stitch" or "Broad Map" of Sagebrush Cover


The map includes the current distribution of 10 sagebrush vegetation types from eastern WA, OR, and CA, through central CO, and eastern WY and MT. The map, created by scientists from The Nature Conservancy and NatureServe, is intended to provide broad-scale perspective on sagebrush and related vegetation distribution across the Intermountain West for use in regional habitat assessments. As such, the map clarifies what currently exists with readily available data.

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Page Last Modified: 5/16/2012