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Help for The Langley Web Ordering Tool
HTML version

  • You may search the data inventory holdings without logging into the tool.
  • You must log in before selecting files for your order otherwise your selections will be lost.

Supported Browsers

The Atmospheric Science Data Center at NASA Langley does not endorse one browser over another; however, this ordering tool has the following minimum requirements:

JavaScript MUST be enabled in order to use this tool.
Minimum Requirements Known Issues
Netscape Navigator 4.7,
Internet Explorer 4.0,
Firefox 1.5
  • JavaScript MUST be enabled.
  • This tool does not work properly with the Mac OS X using Netscape 6.x and 7.x browsers.
  • This tool does not work with the Safari 3 browser.
  • To download data, Firefox users need to use an ftp tool, such as FireFTP.

Logging into the Order Tool

Login menu links.   Use the Login menu at the top left corner of the Order Tool page for:
  • Logging into the order tool (existing users)
  • Editing a current user profile (existing users)
  • Obtaining a forgotton user id or password (existing users)
  • New user registration
  • Viewing the Help pages

----- Existing User -----

  • Select Login from the menu.
    The "Login" page will appear as a new browser window.
  • Enter your Login ID and password.
  • Select Submit to log in, Clear to clear your entries and start over, or Close to close the window without logging in.
  • Selecting Submit refreshes the HTML Order Tool and welcomes you by name at the top of the page.
Forgot Login ID
or password
  • Select Forgot ID or Password? from the menu.
    The "Retrienve Account Information" page will appear as a new browser window.
  • Enter the email address of the account.
    • If you do not know the email address for your account, please contact User Services by phone at (757)864-8656 or send email to
  • Select Submit to obtain the account information, Clear to clear your entry and start over, or Close to close the window without requesting account information.
  • Selecting Submit sends an email with the User ID and password for the email address entered.
Change User Profile:
  • Select Edit Profile from the menu.
    The "Update Account Information" page will appear as a new browser window.
  • Enter your Login ID and password.
  • Select Submit to log in, Clear to clear your entries and start over, or Close to close the window without logging in to update the account.
  • Selecting Submit opens the "User Information" page with the current information.
  • Update the information as desired.
    Required fields are denoted with an asterisk and bold labels.
  • Select Submit to save the changes or Cancel to close the window without saving the changes.

----- New User -----

New User Registration:
  • Select New User from the menu.
    The "User Information" page will appear as a new browser window.
  • Enter the user information.
    • Required fields are denoted with an asterisk and bold labels.
    • Enter XX if any required field is unknown. Do not leave required fields blank.
    • Remember that your password is case sensitive.
  • Select Submit to save the entries and register as a new user or Cancel to close the window without registering as a new user.
  • After selecting Submit, a new window shows the information entered.
  • Select Submit to create the user account and log into the Order Tool, Cancel to close the window without registering, or back to revise the registration information.
  • Selecting Submit refreshes the HTML Order Tool and welcomes you by name at the top of the page.
    You will receive an email containing your login and User Service's contact information.

Searching for Data

When you access the HTML Web Ordering tool, the search interface appears.
You may search the data inventory holdings without logging into the tool, but you must log in before selecting files for your order otherwise your selections will be lost.

HTML Order Tool Search interface.

All available Projects, Parameters, and Data Sets are displayed in their respective fields. The "Data Sets" field displays data set names and the number of files available for that data set.

You can scroll through the listed data sets and make selections, or you can refine your search.

Data sets may be selected directly from the "Data Sets" field. You can select the desired data sets individually or choose multiple data sets by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting.

Data set searches can be narrowed by selecting entries from the "Project" and/or "Parameter" fields, then selecting the Refine Lists button. Data sets matching your search criteria are shown in the "Data Sets" field, which also displays the number of files available for each data set.

Project and parameter searches can also be refined by selecting a time range. Only data sets that match the chosen time range for the selected projects and parameters are returned.

To clear your choices and return all fields to the default, select the Reset Lists button.

Data Set Info: View the data set information before ordering the data by selecting the data set(s) in the "Data Sets" field, then selecting Data Sets Info.
The data set information is displayed in a new browser window.
Time Ranges: A file search by time range is done by entering the start and end date in the corresponding text entry fields.
The date format is YYYY-MM-DD, and is optional. If no time range is entered, all the files are returned for the data set(s) selected.
Day/Night Flag: The Day/Night Flag is used only for CALIPSO data. The default is "Both".
Clear Form: Select the Clear Form button to clear all selections made in the "Data Sets", "Advanced Search", and "Day/Night" fields.
Get Results: Select the desired data sets individually or choose multiple data sets by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting.
Select the Get Results button to get a list of files for the selected data sets. A list of available files will be shown on the Search Results page.

Search Results:

Search results.

Files are grouped by data set, and provide the File Name, Uncompressed file size, Start-Time and End-Time, Max/Min-Latitude and Max/Min-Longtitude, and whether or not browse images are available. Information for HDF browse images is available on the Data Manipulation Software page.

Selecting Files:
  • Select individual files by checking the box next to the file name
  • Select all the listed files by selecting the Select All button.
  • The Clear Selections button will clear the checked file boxes.

If you have not already logged in or registered, you will see the Login area at the bottom of the page. After you enter your login id and password, select the Submit button to refresh the "Search Results" page. Your previous search results will appear, but none of the check boxes are selected. Select the files to order from the "Search Results" page.

Ordering Data

  1. Log into the order tool
  2. Search for data
  3. Obtain desired results of search

----- Quality Summary ----

Some data sets require that you read and acknowledge a Data Quality Summary before ordering the data. This is indicated by a notice at the top of the Search Results page above the file list.

  • Select the button with the data set name(s) to view the Quality Summary document(s).
Select Quality Summary for viewing.
  • View the Quality Summary document(s) by scrolling the top frame.
  • Select the Agree or Disagree button by scrolling in the bottom frame.
    • Select the Agree button to accept the statement about reading the material and being added to a user database.
      • After selecting Agree, the search results page is refreshed and no longer contains the quality summary selection.
      • The data files are orderable.
    • Select the Disagree button to not accept the statement and thus not order the data.
      • After selecting Disagree, you are returned to the search results page.
      • If you select the Submit Order button, you will receive a message the the Quality Summary is required and will be directed to return to the search page to view the document again and select Agree.
      • Data sets that required reading a quality summary are not orderable, unless you acknowledge it by selecting Agree on the Quality Summary display page.
View Quality Summary and agree or disagree.

----- Complete the Order ----

After logging into the order tool, completing the search to obtain the desired files, and acknowledging the required data quality summary document(s), you can complete the order.

  1. Select files to order:
    • Select individual files by checking the box next to the file name
    • Select all the listed files by selecting the Select All button.
    • The Clear Selections button will clear the checked file boxes.
  2. Select additional files to include in the order:
    • Select or deselect read software and metadata files
  3. The "Data Format" is uncompressed.
  4. Confirm or update your e-mail address in the "Order E-mail" field.
  5. The "Order Type" is FTP.
  6. Select the Submit Order button.
Interface for submitting the order.
  • Note: If this is your first time ordering, the Request for Contact page will appear. The purpose is to request permission to contact you about your experiences with the ASDC and your use of our data holdings.
  • Select OK if you are willing to be contacted.
  • Select Do Not Contact if you are not willing to be contacted.
Request permission to contact.
  1. Review the order.
  2. Select the Back link to return to the "Search Result" page to revise your selections.
  3. Select the Cancer Order button to stop confirmation of the order and start over.
    • An "Order Cancelled" page will allow you to start with a new search.
  4. Select the Confirm Order button to submit the order.
Review the order.
  • You will see a new screen, acknowledging that your order was successfully placed. Your method of receiving data, the order number, and the ordered items will be listed.
  • If you wish to place more orders, select the "Make New Order" button. You will return to the Search Inventory main page.
  • Please indicate the general nature of your ordering experience by selecting either "Favorable Experience" or "Unfavorable Experience".
Acknowledge the order.

For questions or comments on the ASDC Web Ordering Tool or these Help Pages, please contact the User Services staff by phone at (757) 864-8656 or send e-mail to

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