Sample MARPLOT map showing an ALOHA threat zone.
On this sample MARPLOT map, the basemap is set to the standard view, which includes items such as roads, cities, lakes, and national parks. Overlay objects (a chemical facility and a hospital) have been drawn on top of the map, and an ALOHA threat zone is also displayed.

MARPLOT is a mapping program. With MARPLOT's easy-to-use GIS interface, you can quickly view and modify maps, and you can create your own objects to place on the maps.

A few key features of the MARPLOT program are that it allows you to switch quickly between three basemaps (standard map files, aerial photos, and topographical maps), get information about basemap features, and obtain population estimates.

You can also customize your view by drawing your own objects on the map and specifying which basemap layers are shown.

As part of the CAMEO software suite, MARPLOT can be used with other programs in the suite: responders can link overlay objects to the CAMEOfm database program and easily display ALOHA threat zones. However, MARPLOT can also be used as a standalone program.

Accessing MARPLOT

MARPLOT is developed jointly by NOAA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and it runs on both Windows and Mac computers.

MARPLOT Program: Download MARPLOT from the EPA CAMEO site.

MARPLOT and Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) map.
On ESI maps, colors and icons are used to mark the sensitive areas along the shoreline. During an oil spill, these maps can be used to prioritize and protect the shoreline environment.

You can also use MARPLOT to display ESI maps, another product produced by NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration. These maps show areas and resources that are sensitive to oil:

  • Biological resources (such as nesting birds).
  • Human-use resources (such as a tourist beach or a commercial fishing area).
  • Sensitive shorelines (such as coral reefs).

ESI maps are available in a variety of formats (including MARPLOT maps) on regional ESI CD/DVDs. To use the MARPLOT ESI maps, you need an ESI Viewer, which will allow you to view, print, and run simple searches on ESI data for a specific region.

More Information about MARPLOT

Questions: Contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions about MARPLOT.