RUC files and variables

Updated 6 Sept 2006 for latest breakdown, including RUC13. Isobaric files and surface files both have a few new variables with the 13km RUC in June 2005. No changes to the native files.
Inventory of all RUC files from NCEP at

All 3 file types available at 20km and 40km resolution.

native grid (hybrid-b) - 50 native coordinate levels (bgrb)
  3-d - 14

            u:long_name = "u-component of wind - b";
            v:long_name = "v-component of wind - b";
            Z:long_name = "height - b" ;
            p:long_name = "pressure - b";
            vpt:long_name = "virtual potential temperature - b";
            qv:long_name = "water vapor mixing ratio - b";
            w:long_name = "vertical velocity - b";
            qc:long_name = "cloud water mixing ratio - b";
            qr:long_name = "rain water mixing ratio - b";
            qi:long_name = "ice mixing ratio - b";
            qs:long_name = "snow mixing ratio - b";
            qg:long_name = "graupel mixing ratio - b";
            qin:long_name = "cloud ice number concentration - b";
            tke:long_name = "turbulence kinetic energy - b";

  2-d (46)
            MMSP:long_name = "MAPS mean sea level pressure";
            ST:long_name = "soil temperature at surface";
            SHF:long_name = "sensible heat flux";
            LHF:long_name = "latent heat flux";
            LWNR:long_name = "net longwave radiation at surface";
            PR:long_name = "precipitation rate";
            LgSP:long_name = "resolvable scale precipitation";
            ConvP:long_name = "sub-grid scale precipitation";
            PW:long_name = "precipitable water";
            Tp:long_name = "pressure at tropopause";
            Tpot:long_name = "potential temperature at tropopause";
            Tu:long_name = "u-component of wind at tropopause";
            Tv:long_name = "v-component of wind at tropopause";
            CAPE:long_name = "convective available potential energy";
            CIn:long_name = "convective inhibition";
            ST1:long_name = "soil temperature at level 1 below surface";
            ST2:long_name = "soil temperature at level 2 below surface";
            ST3:long_name = "soil temperature at level 3 below surface";
            ST4:long_name = "soil temperature at level 4 below surface";
            ST5:long_name = "soil temperature at the bottom";
            SM:long_name = "soil volumetric moisture content at surface";
            SM1:long_name = "soil volumetric moisture content at level 1";
            SM2:long_name = "soil volumetric moisture content at level 2";
            SM3:long_name = "soil volumetric moisture content at level 3";
            SM4:long_name = "soil volumetric moisture content at level 4";
            SM4:long_name = "soil volumetric moisture content at level 4";
            EDIR:long_name = "direct evaporation from bare soil";
            EC:long_name = "evaporation of canopy water";
            CANWAT:long_name = "canopy water";
            ETT:long_name = "evapotranspiration flux";
            DEW:long_name = "water condensation rate near surface";
            DRIP:long_name = "rate of water dropping from canopy to ground";
            SWNR:long_name = "net shortwave radiation at surface";
            SnwAcc:long_name = "snow accumulation";
            SnwCov:long_name = "snow depth";
            STsnow:long_name = "snow temperature - snow or top soil level";
            Rnoff:long_name = "surface runoff";
            SubRnoff:long_name = "sub-surface runoff";
            'temperature inside snow or top soil level'
            'water vapor mixing ratio at surface'
            'water equivalent of snow depth'
            'snow density'
            'temperature, 2m fixed height'
            'water vapor mixing ratio, 2m fixed height'
            'u-component of wind, 10m fixed height'
            'v-component of wind, 10m fixed height'
  (last 8 added for RUC20 output as of 4/17/2002)

isobaric main  (6 3-d plus 93 2-d variables) (pgrb)
  3-d - 37 isobaric (25 mb, 1000-100) levels (6)
            Z:long_name = "height - p" ;
            T:long_name = "temperature - p";
            RH:long_name = "relative humidity - p" ;
            U:long_name = "u-component of wind - p";
            V:long_name = "v-component of wind - p";
            VV:long_name = "vertical velocity - p" ;
  2-d - 93 files
     1  'MAPS mean sea level pressure'
     1 ,'surface pressure'
     1 ,'3-hr pressure tendency'
     1 ,'potential temperature, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'dew point temperature, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'dew point depression, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'u-component of wind, 10m fixed height'
     1 ,'v-component of wind, 10m fixed height'
     1 ,'temperature, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'specific humidity, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'equivalent potential temperature'
     1 ,'surface convective available potential energy'
     1 ,'surface convective inhibition'
     1 ,'lifted index'
     1 ,'best lifted index'
     1 ,'resolvable scale precipitation - 3h'
     1 ,'sub-grid scale precipitation - 3h'
     1 ,'resolvable scale precipitation - 1h'
     1 ,'sub-grid scale precipitation - 1h'
     1 ,'categorical rain'
     1 ,'categorical freezing rain'
     1 ,'categorical ice pellets'
     1 ,'categorical snow'
     1 ,'snow accumulation - 3h'
     1 ,'storm-relative helicity - 3km'
     1 ,'pressure - frz'
     1 ,'height - frz'
     1 ,'relative humidity - frz'
     1 ,'pressure at tropopause'
     1 ,'potential temperature at tropopause'
     1 ,'u-component of wind at tropopause'
     1 ,'v-component of wind at tropopause'
     1 ,'pressure at max wind level'
     1 ,'u-component of wind at max wind level'
     1 ,'v-component of wind at max wind level'
     1 ,'precipitation rate'
     1 ,'soil moisture availability'
     1 ,'surface runoff'
     1 ,'temperature - m1'
     1 ,'relative humidity - m1'
     1 ,'u-component of wind - m1'
     1 ,'v-component of wind - m1'
     1 ,'vertical velocity - m1'
     1 ,'temperature - m2'
     1 ,'relative humidity - m2'
     1 ,'u-component of wind - m2'
     1 ,'v-component of wind - m2'
     1 ,'vertical velocity - m2'
     1 ,'temperature - m3'
     1 ,'relative humidity - m3'
     1 ,'u-component of wind - m3'
     1 ,'v-component of wind - m3'
     1 ,'vertical velocity - m3'
     1 ,'temperature - m4'
     1 ,'relative humidity - m4'
     1 ,'u-component of wind - m4'
     1 ,'v-component of wind - m4'
     1 ,'vertical velocity - m4'
     1 ,'temperature - m5'
     1 ,'relative humidity - m5'
     1 ,'u-component of wind - m5'
     1 ,'v-component of wind - m5'
     1 ,'vertical velocity - m5'
     1 ,'temperature - m6'
     1 ,'relative humidity - m6'
     1 ,'u-component of wind - m6'
     1 ,'v-component of wind - m6'
     1 ,'vertical velocity - m6'
     1 ,'storm-relative helicity - 1km'
     1 ,'earth surface height'
     1 ,'pressure at top freezing level'
     1 ,'geopotential height at top freezing level'
     1 ,'relative humidity at top freezing level'
     1 ,'snow depth'
     1 ,'precipitable water'
     1 ,'relative humidity, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'sub-surface runoff'
     1 ,'u-component of storm motion'
     1 ,'v-component of storm motion'
     1 ,'PBL height'
     1 ,'gust wind speed'
     1 ,'cloud base height'
     1 ,'cloud top height'
     1 ,'visibility'
     1 ,'maximum equivalent potential temperature pressure'
     1 ,'convective cloud top height'
     1 ,'equilibrium level height'
     1 ,'temperature at tropopause'
     1 ,'convective available potential energy'
     1 ,'convective inhibition'
     1 ,'skin temperature'
     1 ,'500 hPa absolute vorticity'
     1 ,'wet-bulb zero height'
     1 ,'reflectivity - composite'
     1 ,'reflectivity - 1 km AGL'
     1 ,'reflectivity - 4 km AGL'
     1 ,'column-wise RH with respect to precipitable water'

6/28/2005 - 4 new variables.
New surface-based CAPE/CIN added (fields 12,13)
and the CAPE/CIN fields now in fields 89,90
are the previous "best" or most unstable CAPE.

7/11/2006 - wet-bulb zero height added.

These include the
  2-d - 6 mean layers (5 x 6 = 30)   
          (0-30,30-60,60-90,90-120,120-150,150-180 mb above surface)
            Tm:long_name = "temperature - m";
            RHm:long_name = "relative humidity - m" ;
            Um:long_name = "u-component of wind - m";
            Vm:long_name = "v-component of wind - m";
            VVm:long_name = "vertical  velocity - m " ;

surface (sgrb)
  3-d - none
  2-d - 28 fields
     1  'MAPS mean sea level pressure'
     1 ,'surface pressure'
     1 ,'3-hr pressure tendency'
     1 ,'potential temperature, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'dew point temperature, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'dew point depression, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'u-component of wind, 10m fixed height'
     1 ,'v-component of wind, 10m fixed height'
     1 ,'temperature, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'specific humidity, 2m fixed height'
     1 ,'equivalent potential temperature'
     1 ,'surface convective available potential energy'
     1 ,'surface convective inhibition'
     1 ,'lifted index'
     1 ,'best lifted index'
     1 ,'resolvable scale precipitation - 3h'
     1 ,'sub-grid scale precipitation - 3h'
     1 ,'resolvable scale precipitation - 1h'
     1 ,'sub-grid scale precipitation - 1h'
     1 ,'categorical rain'
     1 ,'categorical freezing rain'
     1 ,'categorical ice pellets'
     1 ,'categorical snow'
     1 ,'snow accumulation'
     1 ,'storm-relative helicity - 3km'
     1 ,'convective available potential energy'
     1 ,'convective inhibition'
     1 ,'skin temperature'
6/28/2005 - new surface-based CAPE/CIN added,
also retaining most-unstable CAPE.
Also added skin temperature.

Please credit the NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory, RUC development group, if you wish to use any pictures from this web site.

This page prepared by Stan Benjamin

Last updated: 6 Sept 2006