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Navigation Services Division

The Navigation Services Division (NSD) provides a focal point for customer requests and associated responses on charting issues, short-term (fast response) hydrographic surveys, and Coast Pilot updates. The Division coordinates and distributes Office of Coast Survey (OCS) information of importance to the customer, and represents OCS at constituent events such as harbor safety meetings, waterways management meetings, cooperative workshops, conferences, and trade shows.

The NSD also provides a conduit for non-standard data sources from constituents into the Marine Chart Division (MCD) and maintains expertise in this area. The Division acts as the initial and primary point-of-contact for Nautical Chart Sales Agents on charting issues outside of normal distribution issues.  NSD’s Navigation Managers are OCS’s representatives in the field.  They are distributed throughout the country and are experts at combining local knowledge with NOAA capabilities and resources.

Navigation Response Teams (NRT) are mobile, quick response, survey parties that are capable of responding to emergency situations that require survey expertise, including side scan, single, and multi-beam sonar.  When they are not engaged in emergency response situations, the NRTs validate NOAA hydrographic products by checking shoreline, hydrography, and other items that are critical to navigation.

The Division maintains all phases of Coast Pilot compilation and modernization efforts.  The Coast Pilot is a nine volume series of supplemental information for navigation that can’t be displayed on the nautical chart, including Federal regulations, channel descriptions, and weather information.  Coast Pilot information is continually updated, and new editions are published on an annual basis.
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