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Instrument Schedule For BT-2 -- Neutron Imaging Facility

From 01/01/2013

Start Date# Of DaysIDTitleParticipantsInstitution NameEquipmentContact
Fri 01/04/2013 09:0051815810 cm MCP install
  • [1]Daniel Hussey
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Wed 01/09/2013 09:00217374Neutron Computed Tomographic Imaging of Fluid Flow in Rocks from Geothermal Reservoirs.
  • [1]Philip Bingham
  • [1]Yarom Polsky
  • [2]Lawrence Anovitz
  • [1]Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • [2]University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Fri 01/11/2013 09:00518157Testing Structured Illumination
  • [1]Daniel Hussey
  • [1]National Institute of Standards and Technology
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Wed 01/16/2013 09:00717831Water Content in Low-Loaded Catalyst Layers During PEM Fuel Cell Operation
  • [1]Rod Borup
  • [1]Rangachary Mukundan
  • [1]Yu Seung Kim
  • [1]Los Alamos National Laboratory
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Wed 01/23/2013 09:00417299Neutron Imaging of a Prototype Hydrogen Storage Device based on Adsorbent Media
  • [1]Don Siegel
  • [1]University of Michigan
  • Cryostat, 100mm ILL orange cryostat; 1.5-300K - OC100-01
    Daniel Hussey
    Thu 02/14/2013 09:00718303Neutron radiography and tomography of hydrogen storage materials
  • [1]Fahim Karimi
  • [2]Stefan Börries
  • [1]Helmholz-Zentrum Geesthacht
  • [2]Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Fri 02/22/2013 09:00417256High Resolution Neutron Imaging of Water Transport Through Porous Materials
  • [1]Dayakar Penumadu
  • [1]Felix Kim
  • [1]University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Tue 02/26/2013 09:00217378Neutron Imaging and Diffraction Experiments on Structural Alloys and the Effect of Fire Exposure
  • [1]Dayakar Penumadu
  • [1]University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Thu 02/28/2013 09:00518012Visualization of Autocompetitive Diffusion Media in Support of US DOE Funded Research
  • [1]Jacob LaManna
  • [1]University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Mechanical, Aerospace, Biomedical Engineering Department
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Tue 03/05/2013 09:00218339N-imaging of coke and oil in reactor tubes
  • [1]Aaron Eberle
  • [1]Federico Barrai
  • [1]ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
    Daniel Hussey
    Thu 04/11/2013 09:00518012Visualization of Autocompetitive Diffusion Media in Support of US DOE Funded Research
  • [1]Jacob LaManna
  • [1]University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Mechanical, Aerospace, Biomedical Engineering Department
  •  Daniel Hussey
    Thu 04/25/2013 09:00417810Dynamic Imaging of Time-Dependent Lithium Coolant Behavior Inside a High-Temperature Niobium Heat Pipe
  • [1]Kenneth Kihm
  • [1]Eric Kirchoff
  • [2]James Jeter
  • [1]Brad Hight
  • [1]University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Mechanical, Aerospace, Biomedical Engineering Department
  • [2]University Tennessee
  •  Daniel Hussey

    As of 02/06/2013 13:26

    Last modified 06-February-2013 by website owner: NCNR (attn: Siddharth Khosla)