February 14, 2013       

Fire Effects / Ecology

  • The Alaska Reference Database

This database is a cooperative effort by the Fire Effects Task Group, a subcommittee of the Alaska Wildfire Coordinating Group Fire Research Development and Applications Committee. The purpose of this reference collection is to share unpublished agency reports and works in progress relating to fire research, fire effects, and fire ecology that would not normally be found in the published literature, as well as a comprehensive listing on Alaska fire studies. The database is located at FIREHOUSE, a national clearinghouse for fire-related studies and data (see link, below). A map of known fire research study sites is also available at the site.


If you have relevant literature or study locations to submit, please contact FIREHOUSE or e-mail Eric Miller.

Eric Miller c/o Alaska Fire Service    Send e-mail to Eric
P.O. Box 35005
Ft. Wainwright, AK 99703

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