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The SAFARI 2000 (S2K) Project
[SAFARI 2000 Logo] The SAFARI 2000 (S2K) Project was an international science initiative to study the linkages between land and atmosphere processes in the southern African region. In addition, SAFARI 2000 examined the relationship of biogenic, pyrogenic, and anthropogenic emissions and the consequences of their deposition to the functioning of the biogeophysical and biogeochemical systems.

This initiative began in 1999 and concluded in 2001, and was built around a number of ongoing, already-funded activities by NASA, the international community, and African nations in the southern African region. Historical data from 1973 through 1995 were compiled as background data.

The ORNL DAAC SAFARI 2000 Data archive includes 109 data products from the following categories:

SAFARI 2000 (S2K) Resources
The following SAFARI 2000 resources are maintained by the ORNL DAAC:

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Related SAFARI 20000 Resources and Links
Information related to the SAFARI 2000 Project can be found at the following links:
  • SAFARI 2000 AirMISR Data at Langley DAAC
  • SAFARI 2000 Remote Sensing Data
  • Global Perspective Videos
    Click the left hand pictures and watch as you descend from outer space to locations in southern Africa, then click the right hand pictures to ascend back into space.

    • zoom-in video of Sabie River site zoom-out video of Sabie River site

      Sabie River

    Animations courtesy of the NASA GODDARD Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio.


Revision Date: January 06, 2011 webmaster