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Seafloor Sciences Branch (Code 7430)


The Seafloor Sciences Branch provides the Navy with the understanding,
description, modeling, and quantitative prediction of marine geological
environments in terms that relate to Navy systems design, construction, and
operations. The branch investigates biological, geological, geochemical,
historical, and subsequent diagenetic processes that control distribution,
range, and variability of sediment physical properties including bathymetry,
roughness, and subseafloor morphology

Code 7430 Sections/Groups Code 7430 Projects/Thrusts
Geology and Geophysics Section (7432) Biogeochemistry
Sediment Biogeochemistry (7431) Computed Tomography
Benthic Boundary Layer Processes DTAGS
Seafloor Sensing Electron Microscopy Facility
Engineering Development and Application Office (7430.1) High Frequency Acoustic Bottom Interactions
  Improved Geoacoustics Predictions through Physical Modeling
  Methane Hydrates
  Mine Burial

Facilities Personnel Publications

To extract data from various databases visit the National Geophysical Data Center.

For more information contact:
Seafloor Sciences
Code 7430, Building 1005
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
Phone (228) 688-4657

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